49. Little Sir

740 54 75

Trigger Warning

• Graphic Violence
• Blood


The man turned around, looking up from his phone when he heard his name from behind him, and saw his father walking towards him with his own phone in his hand.

"Yes dad?"

"Can you lend me your phone for a bit? Mine is dead" Mr. Seo asked, putting his phone in his pocket irritatingly.

"Dad, you have multiple phones" Changbin complied, rolling his eyes, but giving the man his phone anyways.

"Thank you" Mr. Seo said, passing his son a toothy innocent smile, knowing that he was annoying him, maybe a little bit purposely.

He was about to turn around with the younger's phone to go his office when...

"Oh, Jisung!" he suddenly called, seeing the boy passing by from the end of the hall, immediately gesturing him to come there when he looked towards him.

"Yes Boss?" Jisung asked, walking upto the men, pulling his hands behind his back and bowing down to Mr. Seo.

"Where is Jiho?" he asked.

"Uh, Dad just left, Boss. Should I call him to come bac-?"

"No no. Are you free right now?" Mr. Seo asked, dialing a number in Changbin's phone.

"Yes Boss. I just returned and-"

"Great. There is a little work in the Down Room. Handle that" he ordered, already placing his phone over his ear.

And Jisung just normaly nodded.

"Who, Boss?" he asked with a straight face.

"A man from Finances" Mr. Seo informed "He stole some money"

"How much?"

"Around 10 million bucks. And also, he may have shared some information out, but that's just a guess so make sure of that too"

"Dead or Alive, Boss?" Jisung asked, getting more and more serious with each second.

"Doesn't matter" was all Mr. Seo said, before turning ariudand walking away when the man on the other line picked up the call.

"Have fun" Changbin suddenly said, and walked away towards his own room, leaving the boy to his work.

It was 5 in the evening, and he has not heard or have even seen Minho the whole day after he left for his home in the morning. He was missing him so bad.

He took his phone out from his pocket, pouting when there was no notification from Minho. He knew Minho must be busy, but he was missing him. Specially after knowing who the older actually was.

Minho was the one whom he has been waiting his whole life, going to their secret base with a deep down hope that that person may come there one day.

But that person never came back to that Secret Base. But he came back to his life, became his love, and gave him his heart. Became his everything and he never knew.

And oh let's not even talk about how giggly and shyly happy he feels when he thinks about Minho still having no idea that the 'childhood best friend' he talks about, adores so much, was no one, but him.

"I'll text him" he muttered to himself, smiling sweetly, before typing a message to the older with a pout on his face and shoving his phone back in his pocket, walking towards the basement of the Mansion. Their torture room.

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