66. One More?

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[1 year later...]

He smiled as he tilted his face, blinking softly, looking outside the widow at the beautiful beach, the shiny ocean, the pretty feeling.


He turned around when he heard someone calling him and smiled when he saw who was standing right behind him.

"Hm?" he asked, turning back towards the widow, smiling even widely at that one particular person on the beach.

"Whole house is set up. Everything's done" Hyunjin said, blinking at the older.

"Hm..." Minho hummed, smiling at that person for the last time, before finally turning around towards the younger "And appointment with his therapist?" he asked.

"It's in the evening. 5pm" Hyunjin informed "Dr. James said he is still struggling a lot but he is trying to accept everything" he said, making Minho nod lightly.

"When is your flight?" he asked, smiling softly.

Hyunjin blinked at the older with big soft eyes, before smiling lightly "I'm leaving right now. Dad said he doesn't feel good alone at home" he said with a soft smile.

Minho looked down with a smile and nodded lightly "Is he gonna come and meet me here?" he asked, looking back up, having little hopes in his eyes.

And Hyunjin's smile slowly faded "Uh, I will ask him, um, but he is being very busy right now and-"

"It's ok" Minho chuckled "I know he is still angry at me for deciding to leave like this" he smiled "He will forgive me eventually"

Hyunjin blinked at the older with numb eyes, before sighing heavily.

"Hyung..." he called, making the man look up "When will you come back?"


And a silence filled with thousands of questions covered the two.

"B-But.." Hyunjin mumbled, trying to blink the tears forming in hia eyes "But we all n-need you-"

"They all need you" Minho said with a smile, before suddenly grabbing the younger's wrist and lifting his hand up with his palm up "They need a leader" he mumbled and before Hyunjin could think of anything...

Minho placed a small old sliver gun in his hand.

"They need you, Boss" he smiled.

And oh how Hyunjin eyes immediately got filled with tears as his lower lip quivered.

"B-But I need you..." he mumbled in a shaky voice "Don't say you will never come back..." he almost cried.

And Minho immediately pulled him into a tight hug "You will here come to meet me regularly, right?" he asked as he felt the younger's hands tighten around his body and a small nod in his chest.

"I will miss you too" he whispered with a smile "But I will be way happier here. This is what I have always wanted"

"That's my shell! Give me that back!"

"No! I saw it first!"

"But I touched it first!"

Minho laughed in content, seeing little children running around the beach, playing and fighting over their seashells.


He smiled at the kids before finally looking up and sighing deeply.

This whole year has been difficult for him, but finally... He found himself again.

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