25. Scary Clown

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"No cuz you know, it's good for you. You are young growing men, you need energy"

"Yes. Yes Mrs. Cooper. Thank you so much, oh my god you take care of us so much"

"Oh you are such a gentleman" the old lady giggled, waving at the man, turning around and walking away with slow shaky steps.

The man forced a fake smile, before slamming the door shut "I will shoot a bullet in her wrinkled ass forehead I swear to god" he mumbled with a frustrated sigh.

Jeongin laughed a little, packing his Sniper-stand in it's bag "But you like her cookies" he commented, making the other roll his eyes.

"Yeah cuz they tastes nice, but she is fucking irritating!" Felix groaned, walking upto the kitchen, keeping the plate filled with warm, freshly baked, cookies on the counter, before picking up one and starting to munch on it.

"Is she? I think she is pretty sweet and caring?" Jeongin said while chaining the bag lock, and walking to the old wooden closet and taking out his cloths for tonight.

"Nah" Felix sang with a mouthful of cookies "She is annoying" he commented, scrolling through his phone.

Living in a small 'broke-type' apartment comes with a lot of things, and 'people' is one of them.

And in Felix and Jeongin's case, it was their landlord. An old lady, living alone, struggling to live after her husband died. Renting off the upper floor of her house to people to pay off her bill and have someone to share little talks with and not feel completely lonely.

"Alright, enough" Jeongin suddenly said in a strict voice, throwing Felix's outfit onto his face "Get ready, the party is tonight, not next year! We have to set up the camera and guns before the venue even opens. Come on" he orders, making his way to the bathroom to change, leaving a grumpy Felix behind with his cheeks fills with cookies.

Felix groaned throwing his head back dramticly, taking another bite of the chocolatechip coockie.

It was 9 in the morning and they have to go on a fucking abandon building in front of the one in which there is a party today and set up there snipers and cameras and wait till, like, 11 in the night, doing particularly nothing but watching each and every person that enters or exists the whole time. So yeah, it was mentally exhausting.

"Those three were killed and their heads were sent to their families as told, boss" the man informed, bowing down to the man, and walking some steps, before getting out of the meeting hall after the man nodded.

Minho mentally sighed, already imagining the situation of their families, thoes men's kids, when they will see their father's torn off heads, covered in their own blood, parceled to their doors in a box.

Yes they were rats, but was involving their families and kids necessary? Why everything have to be so dirty and unethical in their world?

"Alright" Mr. Seo spoke, getting up from his chair, as everyone around the table straighted up a little "The party is tonight and they will be reaching by 10 or 11 in the night. I need every arrangement done by sharp 9. Am I understood?"

"Yes boss!" multiple strict voices were heard.

Mr. Seo nodded and started walking out, as every other person stood up, bowing their heads low.

It has been a month since everything. Since that camping trip, since those two boy's little love started, since there was a sweet hidden relationship going on in the Mafia at a risk of triggering a deadly fire at any moment it got revealed.

But those two boys? Oh they were in their own little world. A world were everything thing was fine, everything was ok, everything was beautiful.

Where they would sneakily pass smiles to each other in between of the meetings. Where they would walk to bus stop daily after their art class. Where they would hide behind the doors to sneak a tiny kiss from each other. Where it was them. Just them in their sweet happy world.

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