52. His Home

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He smiled happily as we adjusted the watch around his wrist, climbing down the stairs, smiling to himself, the excitement of meeting the younger bubbling in heart like everyday.

Doesn't matter if he and Jisung meets everyday, he still feels like it's the first time he has laid his eyes on the boy and oh he falls everytime.

Everytime his heart thumps painfully, everytime his stomach is filled with butterflies, everytime his lips stretch in an unintentional smile.

Oh he loves him so much.

"Good morning" he greeted the maids working in the kitchen, making breakfast for the family, as a sleepy Hyunjin, still in his pajamas, laid on the dinning table with his hair all ruffly and messy, breathing heavy peaceful breaths, most probably sleeping, earning a bow with a sweet smile from the ladies, and a happy "Good morning, sir"

"Breakfast sir?"

Minho suddenly stopped and turned around when he heard the voice and smiled seeing Mr. Hyun standing there with his hands behind his back, smiling sweetly at him.

"No. I'm getting late for my class" he mumbled with a sweet smile getting a little nod in return, immediately turning around and walking out of the Mansion when...

"Eat something before you go"

He stopped again and turned to his other side, this time seeing his dad standing there with the same strict face.

Minho stood there with a blank face for a second, before turning back around and adjusting the strap of his side bag.

"My birthday is tomorrow, no need for a Prince treatment today, dad" he said as if he gets a 'Prince treatment' on his birthdays anyways.

It has been 3 days, tomorrow was his birthday, and he have met or talked to Jisung barely in these 3 days.

The first two days, Jisung was gone. And Minho didn't knew where. Literally nowhere to be seen. No text, no calls, other than the 'Good Morning' texts. And yesterday too, Jisung didn't came to the class. Minho only saw him at the Mansion from afar for like, 2 seconds, and again, Minho didn't knew why.

Yes he spectated that it was all related to his Birhtday, but still, he misses him.

"I'm just asking you to eat your breakfas-"

"When was the last time you asked me to have any of my meals, dad?" Minho asked in a stren tone and walked away immediately, not wanting any argument as the first thing in the morning.

And specially the morning where he received a text saying...

Jisung ♡ :
Get to the class on time <3

Minho walked out of the Mansion and his dad turned around, walking towards his study, while...

Hyunjin laid on the dining table, but with his eyes opened, blinking at both, Minho and his dad, and then at Mr. Hyun, who sighed at the behavior of this father-son fights, before looking and Hyunjin and smiling sweetly, only to get an eye roll in return, before Hyunjin closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

"And my knives?"


"And your pocket guns?"


It was their last day here. Tomorrow they will be at their home. Vegas.

"And my laptops?" Jeongin asked, packing their last bag with their cloths in it.

"Hey! Did you put my boots-" Felix asked packing the other bag, when they both suddenly snapped their heads towards the door when the door bell suddenly went off.

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