57. Worst Of It

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Trigger Warning

• Blood and Gore
• Detailed Description of Gore

"The woman is identified as Mrs. Kim Julie. An art teacher of this small Art class called 'Julie's Art Class'. The boy found in the house with the body is said to be the woman's son named Mr. Kim Seungmin, is now has taken to the police station for inquiry"

"People are demanding to press charges on the boy, saying that it is most probably a case of Homicide. And that the man captured in the video with a gun is a hired hit man"

"The boy, the son of the lady who's body is found, has been rushed to the hospital. Doctors says the boy is mentally heavily affected and is in by the event"

"Our sources are informing that the man that ran away from the crime scene with the gun in his hand has been recognised as 'Lee Hyunjin', the younger son of the man responsible for hundreds of deaths of children, 20 years back, Lee Ju-Won. One of the two most important people from the famous and feared Mafia 'Phantom'. Leader of the most powerful weapon smuggling gang 'Venom' "

"The woman was shot three times. Three times in the same place. In her forehead"

"Three point shot..." Changbin turned his head when Chan spoke as they both kept looking at all the different news channels repeating the same news and showing Hyunjin's face with a gun in his hand, running away.

Changbin blinked when he saw how Chan was looking at the screen whenever they showed Seungmin's face. It was like, he was about to cry, scream.

Seungmin was sacred, he was in denial and now he was in hospital because of shock.

What the fuck was happening all of a sudden. It has not even been whole 12 hours since Hyunjin left for his house last night, and all this... It was just so sudden. Like...

Like someone was planing all of this from a very long time. Waiting for this moment.

Was it really Hyunjin?

"Why did he do it...?" Chan mumbled, his eyes slowly getting glossed as the news showed the same clips of Seungmin's traumatised face at the crime scene, his mother's body laying on the chair behind him.

Changbin released a shaky breath and looked back at the new. He too had the same damn question. Why was Hyunjin doing all this? What was happening?

Did all this time, all Hyunjin wanted to do was kill Minho? Was the care, the love, the emotions he showed for his brother were fake? How can they be?

"Is he fucking showing off!?" Changbin turned towards the older again "He.. H-He just learned that bitch ass shot and then killed Seungmin's mo-" and Chan suddenly stopped, lowering his head and pressing his lips together like he was trying to control his anger.

"I don't know..." Changbin finally let out "How can he do the Three point shot so perfectly only by being able to do it for the first time only some days ago?" he spoke in confusion "It took thousands of rounds of practice for Minho to get it right for each time. And I don't.. understand the purpose of doing this" he said, turning back to the screen, his eyes roaming on different news headlines nervously.

"Yeah, sending that video to uncle and then the address to god knows where, yeah it's maybe cuz... cuz he hated Minho? Wanted him out of his way and doing it in the worst way possible?" he said the things he still couldn't belive in "But killing his art teacher? Why?" he questioned himself "Because Minho was close to her? Is that wh-?"

And he suddenly stopped as his phone suddenly rang.

He took his phone out, frowning seeing his informer's number on it again.

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