59. His Downfall

781 56 207

Trigger Warning

• Self-harm

"Wonnyy~" the boy teased as he ran for his life, laughing loudly.

"Bitch, if I caught you, you are dead!" the other boy shouted as he chased him.

"You are so cute Wonnyyyy~" he laughed even more.

"Yeah!? If I'm Wonny, you are JiHoe!"


Both the boys sat on the old deck of the river, swinging there legs as they are their ice creams messily.

"What are you gonna do after school?" the boy asked the other.

"Hm?" Jiwon looked at the boy and shrugged "Go home?" he answered, giving the other a weird look.

"No!" Jiho rolled his eyes "I mean, after the school finishes? What are you gonna do?" he asked, licking his fingers that coated in melted ice cream.

The other boy looked back at thr river and sighed "I don't know... Maybe sit at shop with dad?" he answered, unsure.

"You will learn to make those handcrafts?" the boy asked again.

"Hm. Not like we can go to college or something" the other boy chuckled.

"Ture" the boy chuckled "I wanted to though" he mumbled.

"Hm?" Jiwon hummed, turning back towards the boy, eating his own ice-cream.

"I want to go to college" the boy pouted, making the other smile.

"Don't worry, we will make sure our children will be able to go" he smiled.

"Hm" and the other finally smiled.

They sat there with peace and silence, quietly swinging their legs, adoring the water shining under the sun.

They both had dreams for their lives, but they didn't had complains.

They wish they could see life a little more. Could travel in a plane, or even a train one day, could eat that big ice cream sunday, could watch a movie in the theater, could eat that expensive meat. But they didn't had any complains that the can't.


"Give me yours"

Jiwon groaned, throwing his head back in frustration "Why do you always want whatever I get!?" he complaint, but just rolled his eyes when his ice cream was snatched from his hand.

"Cause yours is better!" Jiho said, showing the other a toothy smile, before taking a bite of the ice cream he just stole.

Because... Atleast they had each other.

"JIHO! JIHO!" the boy shouted, standing in front of the alcohol shop "JIHO COME OUT!"

"SHH!" the boy came out, pressing a finger onto his lips "Are you trying to get me killed!?" he whisper yelled "The sales his already so low today, Appa is not in a good mood. And you know he drinks too much when he is not in a good mood!" he warned.

The other chuckled "Why? Where did all those alcoholics went today?" he asked.

"I don't know" Jiho rolled his eyes in annoyance "But why are you here?"

"Oh! Right! I wanted to tell you something! Come with me!"

"What! Nope. Not right no- WON! HEY!" and he was dragged by the other before he got any chance.

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