23. You Tell Me

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"BYE HYUNG!" the boy shouted from the metal gate of their Mansion, waving at his brother and father at the gate of the hiuse, across the garden.

"BYE SUNGIE! HAVE FUN!" Chan shouted back, waving with a big smile, seeing the boy turning around, clutching at his big travel bag, and walking away to the bus stop.

"I think we should send someone after him" Mr. Han said with a little worry in his voice, looking at the boy walk away "You know, just for safety?"

"Dad" Chan sighed "It's his day, let him enjoy his trip by himself. He will know, in like 20 minutes, that you send someone, and also, he can take care of himself. He is goddamn strong and well trained. He can take you down in a fight in like 30 seconds" he said with a laugh and turned around to walk in the house making Mr. Han roll his eyes, walking in behind him, muttering a 'Sure' with a small laugh.

Jisung was excited, he was happy, he was thrilled. He has never been to any trip like this before. And now it was going to be with Minho. Everything was perfect.

He hopped in his steps, finally reaching outside of his class where the bus was told to come to pick everyone up.

He looked around, and there he was. His boyfriend.

He smiled cheekily, seeing Minho standing facing the other side, before running to the man and standing behind him.

"Minho!" he beamed, clutching at the straps on his bag and controlling the urge to hug the man tightly out of excitement.

Minho smiled the moment he heard that voice. His favorite voice.

He turned around "Baby" he said and immediately stepped a step closer and pulled the boy in a tight but warm and loving hug.

Jisung, on the other hand, immediately turned red when Minho wrapped his hands around him and sighed in his neck. And specially when he saw everyone around them looking at them with the corner of their eyes and giving each other a knowing look and winking playfully.

He immediately buried his face in the older's nape, trying to hide away from everyone's eyes. He lifted his hands and grabbed the front of Minho's t-shirt into his fists, lightly hugging back.

God, Minho was so expressive.

Minho smiled, slowly pulling away from the boy "You are excited?" he asked, melting when Jisung nodded so cutely, beaming a bright smile to him.

"So much!" he jumped "You know I have packed so much food and bought my nintendo switch too, and-" he suddenly stopped.

Minho frowned when Jisung quited down, and then he noticed his eyes. Jisung's eyes were stuck at somthing behind Minho.

Someone behind Minho.

"Jisung?" he called when he saw Jisung's eyes winding in fear, and Jisung suddenly moved away from Minho, pushing him a little away from himself and turned around, lowering his head in an attempt to hide his face.

Minho tilted his head in confusion and turned around to look at what Jisung saw, and immediately smiled, understanding what happened.

On the other hand, Jisung's heart was pouncing in his chest like crazy. Fuck this can't be happening. What is he doing here? No one can find out about him and Minho. Should he just walk away from here like this? Not turning to Minho and just running away? Yeah. That's a good idea. He can't be seen with Minho. No no.

And the moment he made up his mind and took his first step for walking away, he suddenly stopped when someone came and immediately stood in front if him, blocking his way.

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