16. His Love

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"Jisung!?" the man shouted, calling the boy, knocking on his room's door for the nth time now.

"I said I'm busy, hyung" the younger replied with an audible sniffle.

"Jisung I know damn well that you are not busy and I saw you wiping your tears when you entered the house. And why did you came home early from your art class? Did something happened there?" Chan asked in concern, to the younger who has locked himself in his room for the past one hour.

"No! Nothing happened!" Jisung shouted back, voice sounding sad and, a little angry?

Chan sighed in defeat. He had so much work in his hands right now and he didn't wanted to leave Jisung alone like this, but now he just can't delay anymore. So he called the boy again.

"Jisung, baby I'm gonnaa go to Boss's factory real quick and then we can drink hot chocolate together, ok? I'll bring your favorite cake back home, hm" he said and got no reply this time, so he just sighed again and walked away from the boy's room.

"Make sure he eats something. I will be late" Chan informed the maids standing at a little distance from Jisung's room "Dad will be home by tonight too, I'll try to get back before him but if I couldn't, call me when he comes" he said before climbing down the stairs.

"Yes sir" the maids answered and bowed down to the man.

Chan climbed down the stairs, walking towards the main gate of the Beautiful Mansion.

A Beautiful huge Mansion with a Pretty Garden, having flowers of every colour possible in there.

A little pond on one side, having little fishes. Jisung's pets.

And a Canvas, with all the art supplies, placed near the pond under a sweet little shed. Mr. Han calls it Jisung's office. And it truly was. It detaches Jisung from all his worries and stress.

It was his peace.

Just drawing in their wide open garden, in between trees and flowers, near his little babies, for hours and hours until he gets tired.

Since they were little, Jisung never showed any intrest in being the leader or wanting the position or anything like that. He was happy by just working. He never complained about not getting a normal life or about growing up in between guns and drugs.

Maybe because his dad always made both of them feel the warmth a family have. A normal family.

A normal family who watches movies together at nights. A normal family who laughs together, fights with each other. A normal family who have dinners while bitching about people, just the difference was, that the people they usually bitch about are the ones they killed the same day.

A normal family which have an existence out of the world of 'Mafia's gang'.

A family who shares love with them. A family which truly is a family.

"If you hear him cry, call me immediately, ok?" Chan said before picking up his gun from the dinner table and walking out of the Mansion after the maid bowed.

While inside the younger's room...

"He is so stupid!" the boy mumbled under his breath, sounding oh so angry and tore another sheet from his sketch book, crumbling the paper and throwing it on the floor "Stupid!" he mumbled again.

He raise his hand to his cheeks, wiping his new tears with the back of his fist and went back on drawing something, he didn't even knew what.

"So what our families have problems? We can atleast talk things out? Fucking 'not gonna come to the class anymore'. Stupidass!" he muttered mockingly with an angry pout on his lips, and kept on scribbling on the paper.

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