28. Tomorrow

745 58 35


The older panted heavily, sitting on the ground, looking up at the man standing in front of him with his fists already ready to throw another deadly painful punch at him.

"STOP WHINING LIKE A FUCKING BITCH! GET UP!" Hyunjin shouted, panting sharply, carrying nothing but strictness and anger in them "YOU THINK YOU CAN BE A FUCKING LEADER WITH THAT STREANTH!? GET THE FUCK UP!"

Physical trainings were hard, specially when whole of your life, all you have practiced for is Knife fighting and Guns. Training for physical fighting sucks ass. And when the one you are practicing with was not even considering the fact that you are new to it and was beating the shit out of you with no hesitation.


' "So? What do you think?"

"Hyunjin... This dude is a little sketchy. He is... weirdly suspicious..." Felix mumbled, eyes stuck on the screen, re-watching the clip of all of them greeting that Las Vegas dealer in that party, his brain focused on the headset, carefully listening to their conversation for the nth time now.

"The way he hesitated when that dealer asked if he was the leader" Felix noticed, narrowing his eyes at the same scene going on the screen "He could've immediately said 'no, it's my older brother', but he was like 'oh, um, no'" he mocked.

"Hm" Jeongin hummed, taking a bite off his apple, looking at the screen casually "Not even that..." he started, making Felix stop the video and turn his face around to face him, listening carefully "...When Minho told him and Changbin about his and Jisung's relationship..." Jeongin said, calculating situations in his mind, getting up and pacing in the room with slow steps, as Felix's eyes followed him carefully.

"When Minho told him, the way Changbin reacted was so fair, because he knew it was a big, way big, danger for Minho himself. Let's not forget this fact that his father will actually kill him for having a relationship with Han Jiho's son, he will not care any less..." he mentioned, carefully thinking on his next words.

"Even the way Chan reacted... worried for his brother. Worried of the outcomes Jisung will face if anything goes down" he said, taking another bite of his apple "And same went with Changbin, he was worried... for Minho-"

"But Hyunjin-"

"But Hyunjin never even showed a slightest bit of worry for Minho" Jeongin finally said what he was coming to "He never even went like 'are you sure, hyung' or not even 'when did it even happen', like literally nothing. He just paused, like he was thinking of some kind of situation that can... should... occur, and then went 'Ok. I'm with you', like he wasn't even interested in thinking that something bad can happen with his other brother whom he claims to love oh so much " he concluded with a taunt, sitting back down on that old squeaky couch.

Felix looked back at the paused screen, seeing the frame where Hyunjin was looking at Minho, smiling like he was proud of him when the dealer was shaking hands with him.

"Either he is really just a nervous hearted, stupid goofy guy, or a bitch ass motherfucker acting all sweet and bubbly..."

Minho fell on the ground, on almost his face, with a loud thug, groaning in pain, holding his buried cheek immediately, panting in pain.

"Yeah, you will be the weakest leader" Hyunjin taunted, chuckling a little, and at this point, Minho couldn't understand if Hyunjin was just being strict and taunting him to provoke him, or was actually laughing at him.

Minho slowly stood up, his whole body paining and bleeding from several areas, but mainly hurting on the cheek having a big cut on his cheekbone, where the skin was torn and blending.

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