24. I Miss You

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I think we all need a proper introduction of some people, don't we?

I think we all need a proper introduction of some people, don't we?

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Jang Baek-Hyun, 25


Kim Jae-Sung, 24

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Kim Jae-Sung, 24

Two of the most pronounced Undercovers in the Underworld

•Childhood Bestfriends.

• Works as Assassins if necessary.
• Purely works for Underworld and some Rich asses.
• Works only as a team.
• Stays hidden completely.

And completely means, even from the person who hires them.

Their 'Boss' as they call, also doesn't know who they are, how they look. Not even their voices.

They were Undercovers even from the underworld itself, having only few contacts and connections to reach and hire them.

Changing their names in every mission they go to, every job they do. Many people belive that 'Jang Baek-Hyun' and 'Kim Jae-Sung' were also some false names. Maybe just the names you can reach to them through.

Which was true.

And their real names? No one knows.


"Why did we said yes for this job again? Bro it's so boring!" Felix complained, as he grabbed a can of beer from the small fridge and stretched a little, walking up to the man sitting on the wooden chair, having his several guns dismantled on the small table in that tiny kitchen.

Living as a poor person for any of their jobs was the worst thing for Felix. They have made themselves a beautiful luxurious Villa, having all the facilities, all the brands and cars and luxuries in the world, working their ass off for years and years, and then they have to come and live in this small, broke apartment. Disgusting.

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