38. Yes. No.

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"Remake this lot"

"S-Sir we... that will cost too muc-"

"So you want me to export this shit to our dealers?"

"N-No sir, but-"


"T-The cost-"

"Make this lot again"



Jeongin suddenly jumped at the loud shout, and immediately took his headphones off, hissing at the pain in his ear.

"Motherfucker cries like a five year old in front of his boyfriend and now look at him!" he grumbled in annoyances, putting his headphones back on, rolling his eyes when he heard Minho shouting on the workers at his Gun factory.

A Sunday morning is lazy and relaxing for most of the people, but the key word is 'most'. It was not so relaxing for Jeongin, having to roam around in this little shit apartment in his night suit, holding an almost burnt bread for breakfast in between his teeth, still spying, listening to Minho and Jisung simultaneously, at 9 in the morning.

"I will shove this barrel up your ass and then try shooting this gun if the next lot will be this trash, DID YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND!?"

"DUDE STOP SHOUTING, IT'S FUCKING 9 ON THE SUNDAY MORNING, OH MY GOD!" Jeongin groaned, slamming his fist on the small weak table, slamming his head down right after.

Oh, and for the people thinking, why Jeongin was alone, and where Felix was? Well...

"Now you got it?" the girl smiled, giving the sketchbook to the man, showing him what she was talking about.

Felix smiled, and nodded, grabbing the sketchbook, closely absorbing the drawing of those lips.

"Hm. I got it now" he said, smiling at the girl sweetly, but frowned slightly with an constant smile and titled his head a little when the girl kept looking at him, smiling purely.

"What?" he asked, laughing a little.

Chaeryeong smiled and looked down at the morning coffee in her hands "I told you, freckles suits you" she smiled.

Did Felix blushed? No. He just felt good. He always got this 'Don't put on makeup, your freckles suits you' only from Jeongin, ever. So getting this compliment from someone else felt nice.

What? Spies can also go on a friendly date. So what!?

Ok. They can't.

But there was a reason why Jeongin and Felix ever decided to step in this work to began with. There was a reason why they work alone, just two on them.

It was their Freedom.

And when Felix look at Jeongin with those big puppy eyes, telling him that the girl he recently talked to at their art class, texted him for a little hangout, Jeongin just couldn't say no. He can never say no to Felix. Never.

"Thank you" he smiled, lifting his own cup, sipping his coffee.

It was comfortable. They both were comfortable in each other's space. It felt nice.

"What!? No fucking way! No!" Hyunjin whisper-yelled, pressing his phone more to his cheeks, trying not to be heard by anyone.

"I'm not coming to your home, Seungmin! No fucking way!"

"But mom called you on dinner" the boy on the call mumbled in a cute sad voice, and Hyunjin can already imagine a sweet pout on those beautiful lips "She wants to meet you"

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