18. Baby...

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"Take the other route"

"Yes sir" the driver bowed his head down slightly, before taking a right turn.

"Jisung, it's 10 pm, it's late. Just come home and rest, and tell me what happened? Earlier you were crying this morning, then you went to Mansion without telling me, and now you want to go there at this time?"

Chan was worried, Jisung has never behaved like this before. So quiet and lost. But the fact that he was not even talking to him or even looking at him was just adding more and more concern in his heart.

Jisung just blinked with lost eyes, looking outside of the window of the car "Nothing happened, I'm just not feeling good today" he replied in a little mumbled.

Chan looked at the boy in concern, placing a calming hand on his head "And that is why I'm asking you to just be home an-"

"No hyung. I want to stay there for sometime..."

And they both went quiet. Chan knows, Jisung has never and will never listen to anything when it comes to that place.

Jisung has spent his whole nights there. Just staying and staring at the open sky, at thousands of stars. He have fallen sick from staying there in winters, but he still kept going back.

So Chan removed his hand from the boy's head and sat back, still looking at him with worry, trying to understand what might have happened.

It can't be what happened back in the Mansion. Jisung have seen and dealt with worst situations than this. He was not a soft little boy. He was Criminal as well.

A trained one, if you might add.

And if anything would have happened at his art class, he would have surely told him about it. So what must have happened?

Chan kept on thinking about things that might have caused this behavior for Jisung when...

"We are here, sir" the driver spoke as he stopped the car on the side of the road, in the middle of the way.

"Thank you" Jisung said quietly and opened his side of door, stepping out of the car "I will come home, hyung. And I will inform if I'll need anything" he said, before closing the door back and going to the back of the car without letting Chan even answer.

He went back and opened the back trunk of the car, taking a small bag out before closing it back up.

He walked back to the foot path, crouching down to look at Chan through the window, and waved, throwing the bag over his shoulder "Bye hyung"

"I will wait for you. Hm" was all Chan said with a sweet smile, before he gestured the driver to drive home.

Jisung saw the car going far and far with each second and sighed, standing in the middle of a dark silent road.

He clutched at his bag and turned around, blinking at the trees and bushes on the side of the road, and finally smiled.

Smiled, trowing everything out of his head, leaving his shoulders lose. He walked towards the trees and carefully stepped into them, removing the little extra grown up bushes, and finally reaching in.

A little space. A little ground. A small little hill. Covered in fresh grass and nothing else. A little space that had busy roads on it's one side and a small forest on the other, but stays hidden and silent just because of the roadside trees.

It was his Secret Base.

It was not a secret though. His dad knows about this place, Chan knows about this place, it was in the middle of the road, obviously it was not a secret. But he likes to call it that.

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