54. A Longed Dream

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Jisung bit down his lip nervously, lowering his head, as he placed those beautiful candles he bought for this Candle light dinner.

He suddenly snapped his head to the kitchen when the Oven's timer buzzed, telling him that the chicken was done.

He sighed heavily, adjusting the beautiful green table cloth he bought, when...


He startled as Minho shouted on the phone yet again.

Guess his surprise Dinner date was not gonna go the way he wanted.

He wanted it to be a romantic, loving evening for both of them. He wanted to detach Minho from everything and tell him how much he loves him.

He wanted to tell Minho exactly how he fell for him for the first time. He wanted to hold his hand, kiss him with all his love.

But guess, things are gonna get a little difficult because of this call.


Jisung bit his lips, nervously looking at the closed door of their bedroom, blinking sadly.

Minho's mood was ruined. He was angry, he was upset now.

And Jisung was scared.

What if....what if his fear will come true today? Right now? What if Minho will shout on him? What if he says something hurtful to him because he is mad right now? What if takes his Dad's anger on him?

He doesn't fear that Minho was going to hit him or something. No no. He knew that's not going to happen ever. But what he fears was, that he has never seen Minho angry before.

Jisung held Minho when he cried. He hung on to him when he pushed him away. He made him laugh when he smiled the slightest. But he didn't knew what he will do if he will shout at him, pointing a finger to his face.

He didn't knew how he will hold himself back from feeling hurt. He didn't knew. And so, he was scared.


Jisung stood in his place, waiting to hear a loud bang of maybe a phone getting thrown on the wall.

He didn't knew why he was so overthinking the situation, but it was fair, wasn't it?

Jisung didn't knew how Minho reacts in anger. How much ugly his and his father's fights get. What if Minho was a violent type? What if he breaks things in anger? What if-

And he suddenly jumped when he heard a loud noise from inside of the room. A loud noise of... something being thrown onto the floor.

Oh god.

And before Jisung could decide if he should go in the room to talk to Minho, or just wait for him to calm down and come out on his own...


He got startled, still froze in his place when Minho suddenly shouted his name.

Here it was. The thing he was the most scared of. Minho was going to yell at him.

"I-I..." Jisung didn't knew what to answer with, so instead, he slowly walked towards the room and took a deep breath before finally pushing the door open, making himself ready for a good yell.

He opened the door the slightest, sneaking his head in "M-Minho..." he called and...

"Jisung!" Minho... whined?

Jisung frowned and sneaked his head completely in, and looked aroudn, just to find Minho... on the floor?

"M-Minho, what are you..?" he mumbled, still not understanding the situation.

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