19. Promise

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"I didn't knew it stays open at night too..."

"It doesn't..." the boy replied in a soft voice, smiling, staring at the starts with having thousand of his own in those big eyes "I payed them to"

Minho turned his face to his side, blinking at the boy with silent eyes, before turning back to the starry sky.

They both sat in quiet, having an unwanted distance in between them, on the roof of the same cafe, in the same tent, staring at the beautiful starry sky, when everything was quiet and dark. Everything other than stars and moon.

They had so much to say to each other, so much to ask from each other, but they both were just... quiet.

Jisung, smiling at the memory of the sudden confession and kiss that happened an hour ago, and Minho, nervous and sacred of what will happen if anybody got to know about them.

They both were different. Very very different.

Jisung knew how to live, and Minho has never lived. Jisung knew what makes him smile, and Minho has forced each and every smile. Jisung loves the fragrance of the flowers, and Minho has only touched the thorns.

They both belonged to different worlds, but still, they both stood on the same thread.

A thin Red thread of Love.

Love? Do they really love each other? Or was it just... just an overwhelmed feeling of experiencing something new?

Something new like seeing someone shed tears without letting out even a single cry from their lips for the first time? Something new like a warm hand on the cheek that felt so safe?

Or was it really love?

Was it love when Jisung felt his heart stop and stomach errupt with butterflies when Minho slept on his shoulder? Was it love when Minho gave Jisung that Rose? Does it really happend that quick?

Yes. It did.

It was not Minho who cried when he found out who Jisung was, it was his heart, his love who cried at the thought of the separation from the one it bloomed for. It was not Jisung who got frustrated when Minho quit the art class, it was his love who got angry on everything and everybody for giving tears to those eyes whom it fell for.

It was love. It was love that smiled on their lips and cried in their tears.

Jisung's love was smiling and blushing to be able to touch the lips of his love. And Minho's love was nervous and scared of the outcomes that can hurt and harm his little love.

Jisung's love was pure and strong, and Minho's love was possessive and delicate.

It was love.

It has been love since the day Jisung opened that door.

"Minho..." a soft smiley voice broke the silence.

Minho turned his face towards the younger and saw him looking at him with just a soft smile, shining under the moonlight.


"Do you love your dad?"

And Minho immediately took a back. Jisung will not hurt him the way Chan did, right?

So he didn't replied. He sat their, staring at the boy with a nervous heart, resisting every tear that tried to fill his eyes.

And when he didn't say anything, Jisung smiled.

"It's ok that you do" he said, blinking at the man with a soft smile "He is your father. Your love for him is not meant to be on the conditions which others think are right or wrong. It's your love"

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