22. My Boy

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The boy giggled to himself, walking like he was flying in the air, all smiley and blushy, holding that little flower that Minho sneakily placed in his hair, smelling it again and again and melting each time. God, he was so in love with everything that Minho did. That rose he gave him, that ice cream they ate together, that sudden kiss when he cried, this flower. Everything. Minho was becoming his everything. Although a thought sometimes do cross his mind since his feelings started, that, was he doing too much? Was falling in love this much this quick was ok? Do Minho also love him with the same amount of affection? Do Minho also feel butterflies like this with his smallest actions? Do he also feel like giving him the world for his one smile? Do he also hate the tears in his eyes? Do he also love him that much?

Yes, he was a little concerned about his feelings deepening so much so quick, but right now, he just wanted to be happy. Happy with that little pink flower in his hand.

He skipped to the huge gate of his house and waited for the guard to open the door and immediately did a ballerina twirl and entered the house. Oh he was dancing, he was floating. He have a boyfriend now, he was dating someone and it was all feeling like a dream. Such a special and soft dream.

"So your highness is home?"

He stopped when he heard someone say and looked towards the living room, seeing his father sitting on the couch, having multiple file on the front table.

The man smiled at the boy and removed his glasses, keeping them on the table, before getting up and walking to him.

"Appa!" Jisung smiled happily and immediately shoved the flower in his pocket "How was your trip? And how did the meetings go?" he asked, smiling at his father.

Mr. Han smiled and stood in front of the boy, placing a firm hand on top of his head "It was all good" he replied, giving the boy a soft massage "But how are you?" he asked, eyes carrying nothing but love and care "You went to your secret place yesterday night?"

Jisung smiled and nodded lightly, finding his peace under his dad's hand "Was feeling down, so" he answers, closing his eyes and sighing when the hand on his head massaged with a tight but caring hold, causing his heart to relax.

"And now?" the man asked, smiling down at the boy.

"Hm. I'm good" Jisung replied, smiling and shaking his head to fix his hair, when his dad removed his hand from his head.

"Chan is in his room" Mr. Han informed, already knowing that Jisung always needs his older brother and his words whenever he feels sad about something.

Jisung smiled and nodded, before walking past his father and going to Chan's room.

Mr. Han turned around, seeing Jisung rushing towards his hyung's room. He could easily tell the boy happy about something, and that smile on Jisung's face caused his own lip to curve in a sweet caring smile.

Jisung was their little happy bean. Jisung was the reason he understood that he needs to give up on drinking when his wife passed away, Jisung was the reason that Chan was able to keep himself strong. Jisung was their strength. The most precious little piece of their world.


Chan looked up from his desk and turned his face towards his door when he heard a light knock.

The door slowly open, and Jisung peeked his head in with a cheeky toothy smiled on his lips, looking oh so happy.

"You are back" Chan smiled back and stood up from his chair. He walked over to his bed and sat down, patting on the bed in front of him, gesturing for the younger to come and sit.

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