48. Stupid

694 56 38

Trigger warning

• Mention of being held captive, torture, abuse and rape.
(just the mention, no scenes)

"It was you" he sniffled with a tiny pout on his lips and tears glossing his eyes as he sat on his bed, blinking at the small yellow torn up paper in his hands "It was you, Hyungie" he smiled with a tear that spilled through his eye, falling down on the paper, on the letter 'M'.

So the 'M' on the little chit Jisung had in his box was Minho. It was Minho whom with he found their secret base. It was Minho who wrote this chit for them to remember. It was Minho. His Hyungie was Minho this whole time. His best friend. His...

His best love.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock" Felix mumbled, rolling his eyes as he listen Jisung crying happy tears through his headset, while munching on his apple.

Jeongin chuckled "It's kinda disappointing that he took so long to connect the dots together and get here, and Minho hasn't even clicked yet" he laughed a taunt, filling his glass with milk.

"Exactly!" Felix said, rolling his eyes unimpressed "If it was me in their place, I would've got that in the very beginning when Minho told him that he wears a necklace which has something given by his best friend whom he doesn't remember. Like? Dude? It's not that hard" he taunted.

"But we too didn't go it till-"

"Yeah whatever" Felix said, stopping Jeongin to point out that they themselves got to connect the strings and understand that the best friend Minho kept talking about was Jisung, some hours ago. Exactly like Jisung. Because Jisung never talked about having a childhood best friend. They had an idea, knowing that the two families were close early in time, but they didn't actually knew.

Jeongin chuckled at the older's behaviour, shaking his head. He knew his partner didn't like to loose, even if it's not serious. He would rather die than loose.

"So? We only have excess to Jisung's and Minho's phone now?" Felix asked, streching a little, before getting up from the chair, straighting his back.

"Hm" Jeongin responded simply "This man removed all the cables, cameras, microphones he planted in both the Mansion's, disabled the hack of his own devices. And Jisung's and Minho's phone were the ones I hacked with my personal software, he doesn't know that we are still listening to their and his shit as well" he chuckled "If he gets to know, it will be very very bad for our image in the the underworld" he mumbled "We already know too much about all of these fuckers secrets and shits they have done" he said with a little worried tone.

Felix looked at the man and blinked in concern as well "We can remove the bugs from Jisung and Minho's phone-"

"Nah it's ok. It's only about 5 days more that we are here. It's ok" Jeongin suddenly shrugged his shoulders, immediately changing the mood.

Felix chuckled at the man "You are so weird, I swear to god" he laughed, hitting the younger's back of the head lightly, laughing, making the younger chuckle.

"Good afternoon~"

The guards frowned with an unintentional smile forming on their lips when they saw Minho, almost, skipping and dancing his way in the Mansion holding Soonie in his hands, smiling so happily.

Oh he looked so purely happy. They never thought they would see him with a damn smile on his face when he will come back home after two nights after having a bitchass argument with his mother as the last thing before leaving.

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