31. Love Hyung

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One second you wake up with a jumpscare of feeling a little weight on your legs and then you can't move your one arm, and the other second...

You realise that now you are a cat parent, and have a little human laying on your arm, curled up into your side, sleeping peacefully.

That was Minho. Woke up suddenly when he felt something walk over his legs and then a little weight being pressed on his thighs, and when tried to move his arm, he could've, until...

He looked at his legs and found their little kitten rolled up, tucking his face in his tiny tail, sleeping on his tights.

And then he looked to his side, to the arm he couldn't move, and saw a cute little Jisung, his another little kitten, laying his head on his arm, his legs a little curled up, sleeping soundly.

And oh how his heart sighed. Sighed a breath of relief. Feeling so complete and stable.

Minho smiled as he kept looking at the sleeping boy, and then he realised...

Why was Jisung curled up like this?

He looked down at the boy's legs and saw their blanket laying in their feet, almost hanging down from the edge of the bed.

"Oh my baby" Minho whispered lovingly at the boy, and smiled, before slowly trying to get up, carefully pulling his hand away, but immediately stopped, when a little tiny whine left the younger's lips.

Minho looked at the boy, seeing his eyebrows scrunched lightly, showing a little discomfort, as he tried to scoot even closer to him.

And Minho's heart almost died on the spot. God, Jisung was so unbearably adorable.

But he still was cold and not having his blanket over.

So Minho looked down and thought of grabbing the blanket by his feet and pull it up, but then saw Soonie sleeping on his thigh. He was trapped by his babies at this point.

So he laid there for some minutes, thinking of a way to pull the blanket up, when he suddenly felt the weight on his thighs disappearing.

He looked down and saw Soonie standing up, stretching his back, before getting of his thigh and walk to Jisung's side of the bed, walking up till the boy's pillow and rolling up there, and immediately falling asleep on the left space on Jisung's pillow.

Minho finally smiled and reached for the blanket by his toes and pulled it up, immediately tucking Jisung in and then pulling it on himself properly, before turning to the younger completely.

Minho smiled seeing Jisung's body relax and seeing him tuck his head in the blanket completely.

Minho sighed when he started feeling Jisung's calm warm breaths crease his neck softly.

He slowly reached for the blanket above Jisung's head, lifting it up, wanting to see his baby's adorable face.

But the moment he lifted the blanket a little, oh his heart did atleast hundred, or maybe thousand, back flips, when he saw Jisung looking up at him with his tiny, barely opened eyes, blinking at him sleepily.

"Hey love" Minho whispered, pulling the soft blanker over his own head, tucking himself completely in, coming closer to the boy's face and placing a sweet kiss on the boy's nose.

Jisung scrunched his nose softly and blinked the man sleepily, before scooting a little more closer and making his lips into a tiny pout, asking for a kiss.

Minho smiled, adoring the boy "What happened baby?" he asked seeing the boy's pout, already understanding that he wanted a kiss.

Jisung whined a little, wanting to go back to sleep, but wanting a kiss too. So he lazily lifted his hand up, tapping his finger on his own pout, already closing his eyes, falling asleep.

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