30. His

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"What was the first rule, Felix?"

There was no answer from the younger other than a small frustrated frown and looking away, crossing his arms to his chest.

"Felix" Jeongin scolded, standing in front of him with a worried and frustrated look "What was the first fucking rule!?" he asked, a little louder this time.

"No feelings for targets" Felix answered, still looking away with an angry expression.


"I am not sympathising or even empathising with them!" he suddenly blurted angrily "It's just, I'm mad. Ok"

He sat, crossing his arms, leaning back on the big tree, watching Minho hugging Jisung tightly on the screen on the side of their system, sitting on the forest ground, listening to his cries.

It was true. He was not sympathising with Minho or with Jisung, it was just, everything felt so unfair.

"And why are you mad exactly?" Jeongin asked, rasing an eyebrow at the older, challenging him to lie this time.

Felix finally sighed and glanced back at the screen with sad eyes, watching Jisung pulling the boy closer to him, hugging him tighter, as Minho cried loudly.

"They are just-"


He looked up at the younger, who was now crouching in front of him. Felix blinked at him with sad eyes, and a tiny, very tiny pout on his lips.

Jeongin smiled at his best friend "They are criminals, Lix. He have killed a person" he said pointing at Minho on the mini screen "And he? I don't know, about 33 or 34?" he said pointing at Jisung "Don't feel bad for the-"

"Tell me you don't feel bad for them? For him atleast?" Felix suddenly snapped, addressing Minho in particular.

Jeongin blinked at the man for some seconds, before he sighed "Ok. I do" he admitted "I understand. I feel bad for him, but I don't care"

Felix looked down, pouting, Minho's cries still ringing in his ears.

Don't get confused, Felix was not some pure hearted loving person, feeling bad for their targets. No no. But it was the innocent ones he feels bad for. And this was second time that feels bad for someone.

First time was when they were sent to kill a 'possible' successor of the property of a businessman's father. A normal middle class family man, who took care of that business man's father in his old age. A man who had no idea or wish of being the successor or getting any money for was his service to that old man whom his son abandoned in a big Mansion with all the money, but no one to take care for. A man who had a family. His pregnant wife and his 3 year old daughter. A simple man who used to feed his family working hard everyday. They had to kill him in the end. For him, they were his office friends. Felix still lives with a guilt of that day. And specially when they turned around and left, never looking back at what happened to his wife and daughter after that.

They work for underworld, and so usually get their targets as criminals, so they enjoy killing them. There were very rare chances where they would get innocent family people. But this time, they got two criminals, but they still felt so innocent to the shit they didn't knew they were in.

"I too don't care, but..." Felix mumbled in a small voice, finally removing his headset when he heard Minho's cries finally quieting down.

"You do" Jeongin said, making the man look up from the ground "You do care, and that's the problem, Lix. You should not care. It's his life. It's written like this. Painful and full of tears. We can't do shit about it"

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