63. Come Here

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"We are trying. You need to keep yourself strong..."

"Yes... Yes doctor..." oh such a defeated inaudible voice that came out of Hyunjin lips as he hung his head low, standing outside their Medical room, as their doctors talked to him.

And the doctor sighed "Sir..." he called the younger, keeping his voice calm and composed "You know you need to stay stron-"

"Yes..." Hyunjin suddenly spoke as he lowered his head and bit on his lower lip when it started quivering and his eyes got filled with tears yet again "I-... I know. Yes" he mumbled, before turning around and walking away.

It was the same evening of that horrifying day. It was still Minho's birthday. The decorations were still there. And they felt so scary now. Each of that colourful balloon, that happy ruffle, everything felt so scary now.

The whole Mansion was silent. Silent other than those cries coming out from each room, leaving the hall empty and grey.

The moment they returned and Mr. Lee saw... Mr. Hyun.. Oh the man broke down.

Hyun was the one because of whom he was alive. Hyun was the one who held him, not only in that bathroom, but thousands of times in these years.

Hyun was the one who let him cry to him until he made a peace with himself and stood strong on his feet again. Hyun was the one who never listened to his 'I don't want to eat' things. Hyun was that hand on his back which supported him, patted him, scolded him, kept him going.

Hyun was his escape. He was his strength.

He was never just the butler of this house. He was family.

He was the most precious person of this family.

"H-How is he!"

Hyunjin slowly looked up, blinking his tears for the nth time when he saw his mother approaching him, crying loudly.

"Tell me he is ok!" she cried and immediately clutched at the man's arm, shaking his desperately.

"H-He is ok, mom" Hyunjin mumbled in a tiny voice, trying his best to control his voice from breaking, but oh his heart, it was paining. So so much.

And all he could think of right now was, that his mother was right in front of him. He wanted to break down in her arms. He wanted her to to hold him. Hold him like her small baby.

"M-Mom.." so he tried, making the woman look up as she wiped her tears, controlling her sniffles.

"M-Mom can..." he mumbled, slowly hanging his head low, slowly feeling his body go limp "Mom I... Can you..." he almost, almost cried and shakily took a step forward, getting closer to his mom, wanting her to hide him when...

Mrs. Lee immediately took a step back from him, leaving his hand instantly.

Hyunjin slowly looked up, his heart aching beyond what he can bare as his eye slowly grew big and broke.

"M-Mom..?" he mumbled, suddenly feeling his throat getting dry "Mom, w-why do you hate me so m-much...?" he mumbled, looking into her eyes with his own broken ones.

And oh any person, anyone in the whole world could've seen a small child in those eyes. A small child crying for his mother's embrace.

And on the other hand, Mr. Lee kept looking up at the boy, blinking his own tears, wanting to say that...

'Because you are not my blood'

But maybe she was not that heartless.

For all these years, maybe she never saw Hyunjin as hers, never loved him, never embraced him, but still, she still never said those piercing words to him. On that, she kept the promise she made to her husband of never letting Hyunjin know. She never let him know. No one did. Mr. Lee, Mr. Hyun, Mr. Seo, Minho, no one.

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