11. His Little Secret

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Minho smiled while scrolling through his phone "Hm" he replied quietly as he kept smiling and blushing lightly to himself, mind completely filled with that one boy.

Changbin and Hyunjin looked at each other, passing each other questioning and confused looks, before turning back to the older, who was behaving a little too different from his normal self. They have never seen Minho this smiley and happy before.

"Y-You... uh... You are coming to the meeting tomorrow?" Hyunjin asked, confusion lacing his tongue.

"Hm.." Minho hummed with a constant smile "Why? You don't want me to?"

"Huh?" Hyunjin frowned at his words "No, I mean... You hated the business and the meetin-"

"Well I can't run from the fact that I need to accept this today or tomorrow. I don't have any choice, do I?" Minho said, finally placing his phone down on the bed "Also, people need to see who's their senior and Venom's next Leader is" Minho said with a satisfied sigh.

And on one hand where Changbin was impressed and happy by the mature decision, Hyunjin on the other was...

"Oh..." he let out as quiet as possible and looked away from Minho silently.

And Minho didn't miss it. He didn't miss the sudden uneasy look that appeared on Hyunjin's face for that tiny second, before he got all normal, yawning and slumping on the bed beside Changbin.

Minho thought it to be a little weird, but wasn't Hyunjin already weird enough? So he didn't gave any mind to it and kept himself busy in his own happy bubbly thoughts.

And after some minutes of Hyunjin rolling on the bed, Minho smiling to himself and Changbin looking at Minho, happy that he saw him smiling after, what he remembers, years, and concern because well, he knew the reason behind that smile.

"So? You like someone, huh?" and he decided to finally speak it up.

Obviously Hyunjin couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"What are you glaring at him for? Were you not going to tell me?" Changbin asked, narrowing his eyes at the older.

And Minho just rolled his eyes at both the youngers in front of him and fell down on the bed on his back, closing his eyes "Of course I was. I wanted to tell you by myself, not by some stupid snitch" he taunted, trowing a glare at Hyunjin.

While Hyunjin rolled his eyes, and slumped back on the wooden pole of huge bed "Talking like you didn't snitch to uncle about the gun I took"

"You fucking stole a gun from his collection, dumb bitch" Minho resorted immediately, sitting up.

"I didn't stole it. I 'took' it cuz uncle said I can take any guns that I like"

"Not from his collection you peanut brain!"

"Who the fuck are you calling a peanut brain!? Also, uncle let me keep that gun anyways"

"Oh my god you-"


And both the boys immediately quieted down, rolling their eyes. Minho slammed back down on the bed and placed his arm over his eyes, as Hyunjin fell on his side on the bed, taking out his phone.

Changbin sighed. Yes, he loves both his best friends and he enjoys their little bricking, but god, they get on his nerves sometimes.

"Minho.." he called the boy with a sigh.

"Hm?" and Minho knew what was coming.

"Do you like, 'Like' like this boy?" Changbin asked, concern clearly audible in his voice "Like, in a serious sense?"

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