21. Fixed It

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"Dude I don't know, ok! He just came home at 7 in the fucking morning and rushed to the shower and told me to change and be ready with the car? And when I asked where he was, he was like 'I will tell you and Changbin everything, but I need to go somewhere first', and that somewhere was his Art class which he literally quited yesterday?" Hyunjin rolled his eyes when he heard the man laugh on the other line, as he leaned back on the car seat, parked on the other side of the road of Minho's art class, just at a little distance.

"So you were awake the whole night waiting for him and the first thing he did was to go to his Art class? Oof the priority scale is hurting huh" Changbin commented and laughed again.

Hyunjin just rolled his eyes and looked out of the window towards the wooden fence "Yeah, sure. By the way, hyung was talking about some fake spo-" and he suddenly quieted down when something caught his eyes.

"Huh? Hyunjin?" Changbin called from the other line "Fake what?"

"I'll meet you at the shooting range with hyung in the evening. Bye!"

"Wha-" and he hung up.

He kept looking out of the window, at the fence gate as his heart softened at what caught his eyes.

"He is so pretty..." he mumbled to himself, slowly lowering his head in a poor attempt of hiding behind the car door, from the boy who just now opened the fence gate, smiling brightly.

"BYE MOM!" the boy shouted and giggled happily, closing the gate and skipping out.

Hyunjin smiled, seeing the boy giggling and looking so happy. But what was he doing here? Waiting to see Seungmin like a creep? No.

' "Good Morning, Can I get a bouquet of Daisies please?" the boy asked, smiling at the lady.

"So you are gonna come frequently afterall huh?" the lady smiled and shook her head, before handing the boy a beautiful bouquet of fresh Daisies.

Hyunjin smiled, looking at the pretty little white flowers

"Daily..." '

He ducked his head a little more, crossing his fingers "Please, please" he chanted quietly, seeing the boy close the gate and turn around "Please..."

And he suddenly smiled, when he saw Seungmin stop in his track upon noticing something.

A bouquet of flowers placed on small wall by the fence gate.

A bouquet of Daisies.

He frowned looking at the bouquet, and looked around to see anyone to might have kept it there, but there was nobody.

He picked up the flowers and smiled at the fresh fragrance, and softly hugged the bouquet.

Oh he loves flowers. He loves the face that comes in front of his eyes when he close his eyes while taking in the sweet fragrance of little flowers.

Oh Chan had made him fall in love with the flowers.

"Please take it..." Hyunjin mumbled to himself in a tiny tone, looking at the boy with hopeful eyes. But his little hopes broke the very next second when...

A bike suddenly stopped in front of the boy, making him look up from the flowers.

"Channie" the boy said, smiling brightly, before placing the Daisies back on the wall and running to the man.

Oh how Hyunjin's heart shrunk and jealousy filled his brain. He pouted a little, seeing the boy smiling way more happily than he was when he saw the flowers.

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