37. Different Smiles

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Life sometimes just feels right. In spite of a thousands of loop holes, a thousands of wrongs, everything just feels right.

Ask Jisung. He can tell you how right it feels to wake up all squeezed up in between the arms of the man his lips smiles for, his eyes shines for. How right it feels to be tucked in a soft fluffy blanket, resting his head to a chest in which his favorite heart beats oh so calmly.

It feels so right. So right to see the morning sun rays peeking through the window of their little quiet house in this forest. To have Minho placing his chin on his head, breathing softly, sleeping, hugging him. To listening to the morning chirping of birds outside. To hear the leafs making a soothing beautiful music. To feel warm, not because of the blanket, but because of how close you were being hugged the whole night.

He slowly blinked his eyes open, smiling sleepily when the first thing he saw, was Minho's neck in front of his eyes, as his chest raise and fall calmly, as he slept.

There is this thing, when you hug your boyfriend and he hugs you back and that's how you sleep. All cuddled up in each other's arms.

And then there's another, where your hands are folded to your own chest loosely, legs curled up lightly, laying there like a little ball, and your boyfriend hugging you tightly, burring your face in his nape, make you sleep like a baby.

Jisung closed his eyes again and quietly nuzzled more into Minho's neck, a cute embarrassed squeak leaving his throat unintentionally when he remembered last night, the reason he was all babied up in the blanket by Minho.

' "Horror Movie?" Minho tilted his head, not sure about the idea "It will cause you trouble to sleep-"

"Who? Me!?" Jisung chuckled with an attitude, standing in front of Minho, holding the remote "I do not get sacred so easily, specially by horror movies!"

(3 hours later)

"T-That was Soonie, right?"

Minho chuckled, tyring to control his laugh, patting the back of the boy's head, softly creasing his back as he got all curled up into him, holding his t-shirt in his fists from his chest area.

"Soonie is at my home, baby"

"THEN WHAT WAS THAT!?" Jisung shouted, all scared, and immediately pressed his body more into Minho, hiding his face into his nape, squeezing his eyes shut.

Minho chuckled as Jisung pulled on his shirt even more. He hugged the younger even tighter, rubbing his back lovingly, mumbling sweet I love yous in his ear to distract him and massesged his head to make him fall asleep. '

It has been 2 weeks. 2 weeks since they returned from Vegas, and life was going... smooth, to say the least.

They were all just in and out of work. Minho has been handling a little more work everyday, training a little more everyday, growing in the business more and more each day.

Hyunjin, Chan and Changbin were in their as always routines.

And as for Jisung, he was lost. Lost in a dreamworld, flying on the clouds everyday.

He didn't wanted to go home or to work or to anywhere, he just wanted to come to this little house of their's and stay here forever, being a little baby to Minho.

If he will be honest, he never thought of a time where Minho will keep him as his little baby, as a fragile little flower.

Since the day they have confessed to each other, Jisung has been the one who was strong and was holding Minho in his arms, making him feel small and safe, wiping his tears, telling him that it's ok whenever he felt scared. It was him standing strong so Minho will not fall.

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