58. Appa

713 57 205

"Tie him properly! Boss is on his way!"

"Does Boss told to tape his mouth?"

"I don't know. No no. Just tie his hands behind"

The man sighed as he sat in his car on the side of an empty road and kept listening to the guards talking about ties Minho down.

He looked out of his window, not being able to get to a right decision.

Jeongin knew everything was going to go south since the moment they were suddenly asked to leave the mission and go away. Never even once a client of their's have taken them off in the middle of their work, let alone without any explanation.

He twisted a pencil between his fingers, thinking of what to do. Do something, or just leave it here. Just lool away as they always do and never look back, or...

Jeongin's train of thoughts sudden stopped when his phone rang.

He looked down and picked up the call "Hey" he tried to stretch up a smile "Woke up?" he asked.

"Nahhh~" Felix yawned "Just called in to see if your work is done"

Jeongin smiled "Hm, it's done"

"So coming home?" Felix asked, smiling sleepily.

Jeongin quieted down for some second, looking at thr pencil in his hand "Hm. In a bit" he answered and the call cut after a little happy "Ok then" from the other side.

He lowered his hand and sighed.

"I too don't want any of them to die" he mumbled to himself as if he was answering Felix to what he said some days ago.

"I don't want them to cry anymore too..."

This was not good. They were supposed to always keep a distance from their targets emotionally. Never get attached. It was their first rule.

He sighed and suddenly, without any second thought, he picked up his phone.

"Sir please. T-Talk to me" the guard cried, shaking Hyunjin's non responsive body, trying to make him atleast blink every now and then.

The moment Hyunjin was Mr. Hyun's head on that table, first his screamed, then he cried, and then... he fell numb.

Just mumbling the same thing over and over again.

'They gave him pain. They gave him so much pain'

Yes. They gave Hyun an unbearable amount of pain. They snatched his eyeballs, cut his tongue, cut his skin. They made sure for him to suffer. But why.

Hyun was just a butler. Why would anyone, anyone in the world would do this to him? What does anyone, any of their enemies can get from harming him? Killing him? Putting on his death like show to them?

"S-Sir!" the guard shook Hyunjin as the boy just sat on the floor, slumped back on the wall, numbly staring at the floor, not even breathing properly.

Hyunjin was taking suddenly gaspy breaths every now and then, just keeping his body alive. His mind was completely shut, just the smiling, loving, laughing face of his uncle Hyun roaming in front of his eyes. Just his words, his care ringing in his ears. Just his loving, calming touches, his soft head pats feeling on his skin.

If anything, whoever this person was, has did by killing Hyun, was only and only damage Minho and Hyunjin mentally.

Mr. Hyun was the string that kept them strong, knowing that there was someone in a small room in their huge empty Mansion who smiles to them, who listens to them, who appreciates them, who protects them.

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