29. Up

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"Yes I will go out with friends after the class!"

"Ok but why are you leaving an hour early!?"

"Uh.. Wanna drive around for a bit" '

Minho rolled his eyes when the girl snatched the sandwich out of his hand and munched on it immediately, giving him a cheeky smile.

"We made the deal for 1 fucking week! It has been more than 2 months!" he grumbled "You are literally blackmailing me at this point. Am I your breakfast guy?" he complained, looking at the girl with an irritated look.

The girl chuckled, taunting the man even more "Come on, it's a sandwich, of course I would blackmail you for it" he said, cheeks full of her sandwich "Also, you are rich anyways. So no loss for you, and I get my free breakfast. It's a win win" he smiled, showing her teeth, munching on her sandwich.

Minho rolled his eyes in annoyance and was about to go to his easel, when the girl spoke again.

"Or you want me to tell Jisung~?" she sang in a taunting voice, taking the last bite of her sandwich, smiling cheekily.

"I swear to god!" Minho groaned, finally letting out a defeated sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose dramatically "Fine!" he groaned and immediately stomped back to his easel, waiting for Jisung to come.

For any of you wondering what that was...

The girl. That friend of that girl who wanted to kiss Minho back at the camping trip. That fed up friend who translated Jisung's 'He is Mine. Back off' to her friend when she first time tried on Minho.

Lee Chaeryeong.

Minho's... friend now? Can we say that? Maybe?

More like, Minho once asked for a favor from her and now they have bonded over a blackmailed sandwich from past two months.

Oh, and what favor Minho asked her? What was that something that she was blackmailing his to tell Jisung?

Was Minho cheating on Jisung? Did something happen?

Well yes. Something did happened. That day when Minho came back to the class. That day, when they were asked to switch their art styles.

When Minho magically got Jisung's name chit.

' "Why?" the girl narrowed her eyes at the man.

"Because he is insecure about his Art style already and I know he will feel uncomfortable if anyone will have to draw it forcefully" Minho explained in a slightly pleading voice, smiling sweetly at the girl holding the chit of Jisung's name.

Chaeryeong looked at the man with narrowed eyes and then at Jisung who was searching for the one whose name he got in his chit.

She looked back a Minho "You guys are dating, right?" she asked straight forward, and Minho's eyes immediately widened, like he was not looking at Jisung with heart eyes this whole time.

"I um... y-yeah..." He mumbled, laughing a little awkwardly, getting his hoped high of switching the chits with the girl.

"A sandwich for a week" the girl immediately put on a deal with a playful smirk, showing the man his little boyfriend's name chit. '

"Good morning to you too"

Minho looked up from his canvas, smiling brightly when he saw Jisung entering the class, greeting other students on his way.

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