12. Jisung?

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"And then I told him that I am literally gay and I don't have any intrest in his girlfriend and that she was the one who was trying to literally touch my dick and..."

Minho kept looking at the boy with heart filled eyes and a big smile as he kept on going with a 5th topic about his university. Minho was sure Jisung himself didn't knew how many times he have skipped and hopped on some new story.

He started by telling how studying medicine was so hard, to a teacher who was caught making out with a student, to how bad the university's food was, to how he want to make his father proud, to now how one of his friends thought that he was trying to put hands on his girlfriend.

Jisung was a happy chaotic little bubble. And Minho has fallen for this bubble pretty hard.

He laughed when when Jisung randomly addressed about being gay, like it was not even a topic to be said between the two now. And if he was being honest, of course it was not. He knew, Jisung knew. It doesn't needed a 'coming out' moment for any of them.

"And! And!" Jisung suddenly jumped "You know there is this girl in my class!" he suddenly shouted and Minho knew that a new topic has started.

Jisung kept talking with his melting ice-cream in his hand and Minho kept looking at him, smiling, feeling is heart go warm and cozy by each passing second. Feeling like he was home.

Maybe it sounds selfish, but it was like, Minho has found his escape in this boy.

An escape from that shit of a world to a beautiful pretty garden. An escape from guns to flowers. An escape from drugs to ice-creams. An escape from tears and screams to smiles and hugs.

An escape from the life he hated to the life he always dreamt of.

Sitting on a bench in a park, munching on ice-creams, talking about random things, laughing and giggling with a careless heart. He has always dreamt of these things, these situations.

A normal sweet life.


And he was bought back from his thoughts when the younger suddenly let out a shocked voice when his phone suddenly rang.

Minho saw Jisung taking his phone out from his pocket and place it on his ear.

"Yes hyung, I'm sorry I'll just come. Yes, yes. I went out with a friend, I'll just be there, wait for me!"

Minho frowned and tilted his head in confusion, totally forgetting about the time.

It has been an hour since they were here. The time when their class ends, and Jisung's brother must be there to pick him up.

Minho finishes his ice-cream, smiling and chuckling when he saw Jisung apologising to his brother on the call, looking like he was in a big trouble.

Jisung put the phone down and immediately stood up "I'm gonna get a lecture because of you!" he pouted at the older, quickly finishing his own ice-cream.

Minho smiled cheekily looking up at the boy, the ice-cream stick still pressed between his lips.

"Come on, get up! Hyung is waiting for me!" he whined and almost stomped his feet on the ground.

Minho chuckled, taking the stick out of his mouth "No. You go. I need to head somewhere" he said, slumping back into the bench.

"Oh? Ok then. Bye" Jisung smiled and turned around to run out of the park, but suddenly stopped and turned back around.

"Hm?" Minho smiled up at the boy, playing with his ice-cream stick.

"Oh, actually..." Jisung mumbled, taking his phone out again "Picture!" he beamed, opening the camera in the phone and switching it to the front camera mode.

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