20. Plucked Flower

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"Hyunjin! God, calm down for fuck's sake, I'm already tired!" the man shouted, pulling the younger by the back of his collar the moment he was about to step out of the room, and practically throwing him on the bed.

"I warned him and it will not happen again. You should be with Minho right now. Your dad must have reached home by now" he informed and sat on the bed beside the boy.

Hyunjin's eyes immediately winded. He forgot his dad was going to reach tonight.

"Shit!" he mumbled and suddenly got up, running out of the room and the Mansion in the next second, leaving a fed up and tired Changbin behind.

The man sighed, shaking his head, and fell back on the bed, stretching tiredly "Sleep~ where are you my darling~" he sang in a sleepy mumble and rolled on his bed, burring his face into his pillow.

Hyunjin slammed the door of the car open before jumping out and rushing towards the house.

Their dad was back, and Minho was not in a good mood. Not a good combination.

Before this too, Hyunjin always have gotten this worried about their dad hitting Minho. It has always broke his heart. And he have done all he could to avoid some of the situations from happening, and sometimes they actually worked, but most of the time, he just stood there, in the corner of the hall, and saw Minho getting slapped, clenching his fist, because he was sacred. Scared that of he said anything, Minho will get even more slaps or insults.

But now? He was ready to even push his dad away from his older brother. Point a finger to his face and tell his that he will not touch Minho now.

Something Minho has been doing his whole life for him.

But right now, he went out at the wrong time. So he ran in, slamming the door open and immediately rushing to the older's room, when...


He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned around, hearing the similar voice. His favorite voice in this mansion after Minho.

An older man. Their head Butler. Mr. Hyun.

The man who was always present where Mr. Lee should have been, but wasn't.

The man who signed as the guardian and attended Minho's and Hyunjin's parents teacher meetings. Taught Hyunjin to ride a bicycle and then car. Made the cooks prepare a whole feast of all of Minho's favorite food whenever he won at his drawing competitions, without letting Mr. Lee know. Helped Hyunjin sneak out of the Mansion for parties. Learned and drew with Minho just to spend some quality time with the boy. Scolded both of them whenever they fought with each other, telling them that they both just had each other and no one. That they both should stick with each other. Till the very end.

The man who always knew how close the two boys were from their hearts.

The man who was not their father, but still was one, for whole of their lives.

"Sir, older sir is not at home" he informed, almost whispering so no one, specially Mr. Lee, can hear except Hyunjin.

Hyunjin frowned in confusion "Not at home?" he asked whispering "Where did he go at this time?"

"I don't know, sir. But I was sleeping in my room when he came and said that he is going out. He was in hurry and... I think he was crying before coming to me" Mr. Hyun informed, sounding worried himself.

He have practicals raised both Hyunjin and Minho. They both were very very close to his heart. Oh a little Minho have fallen asleep, crying, in his lap. A little Hyunjin have forced him to help him with pranking people. He was way more than just a butler of this house.

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