45. Sex? No.

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"Call me if you need anything!"


Minho sighed happily as he rubbed his wet hair with the towel around his neck, walking in their little living room, slumping on the couch.

He closed his eyes and slowly leaned his head back, sinking in the soft couch, taking calm breaths, listening to the rain outside and breathing the earthy fragrance of the wet soil and wood.

Jisung wanted to stay in the rain for a little longer, but the moment he sneezed, Minho immediately dragged him in the house, not listening to any of his 'I will not get sick' and '5 minutes more!? Please!'.

He wanted Jisung to take a warm shower first so he won't have to be waiting in all wet cloths outside till he showers, but Jisung whined that he wanted to take a long warm comfy shower, so Minho immediately rushed and took a quick rinse and hopped out so Jisung can finally take one.

He smiled with his eyes still closed when he heard a light, very light, voice of a frog in between of that rain.

He felt so complete.

Previously, for a very long time, he was fighting himself to believe that he can't just fully run away from his actual life and stay here all the time. He didn't wanted to belive that this was just a little part which they were stealing from life.

He really wanted to throw everything away and keep this as his actual reality. Choose this like to liv forever.

But with time, he have made peace with himself. He have accepted that yes, he needs to live that life. That was his actual life.

That is his life.

And this? This is their life.

That was Minho who was born in the Mafia. Born to live that way. And this was Minho and Jisung who watch cartoon movies at nights, cuddled up in a fluffy blanket on their couch.

These were both his lives, and he can't run away from either of them.

He slowly opened his eyes and oh his heart smiled when he heard Jisung humming in the shower.

"I wanna draw something" he mumbled to himself and smiled, finally pushing himself up from the couch and stretching a little, hair still a little wet.

He removed the towel from his neck and placed it on the chair beside, before getting up and walking to their bedroom to get a small canvas and his pencil set from his bag.

He came back with all the things he needed and fell back on the couch, holding his canvas, thinking of what to draw.

He looked around the room and saw Soonie sleeping on the floor on his back, hanging his little paws in air.

He chuckled seeing the kitten and thought of drawing him.

If Jisung was there, he would've been all heart eyes, seeing Minho sitting on the couch with his legs up, loosely crossed, wearing that loose white t-shirt and gray trousers, messy wet hair, holding a canvas in his hands, so focused on what he was drawing.

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