17. Snatched Away

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"This month's profits are a little lesser than last's?" the man said, flipping through the file further.

"Yes. It's because of some movements and protests happening massively in some countries to avoid drug usage in teenagers, so we had to shut some of our suppliers down for this month. But that surely will result in probably doubling the sales in the next" the boy replied, maintaining the sincerity in his voice, as he stood straight, pulling his hands behind his back.

Changbin nodded, humming lightly, and flipped the page, going through the file "Which are these countries? Having these protests?" he asked, as serious as always.

Seo Changbin. Their Leader after Mr. Seo.

It was almost like, Phantom was already under Changbin. Whenever Mr. Seo is out for meetings or works, which was very often, Changbin, the successor of the gang, would be the one handling everything.

He has the same respect and same fear in people for him as Mr. Seo. And if people were being honest, Changbin was actully scary.

"Some of our largest buyers like Canada, Russia, Denmark and U.S., Sir" Jisung replied, watching the man nod and finally closing the file.

Changbin looked up at the boy and slid the file slowly towards him "Hm, you sure about the sales going up next month?"

"Yes sir. It's definite" Jisung answered and stood straight, immediately looking down.

The fear and respect other people have, Jisung have them too. He fears Changbin. Not because he was scary, ok maybe that's a reason too, but mainly because Changbin is going to be their Boss one day, and he already sees him with those eyes.

But there was little catch. There was one person who neither fears, or maybe nor respects him that much. The person Jisung has always been jealous of. The Younger son of Lee family. Lee Hyunjin.

Hyunjin and Changbin were childhood best friends, what do you expect?

It always eats Jisung a little whenever he would catch a glance of Hyunjin and Changbin laughing and joking around. He envys that. He also wanted a friend.

Jisung had everything in his life. Except friends.

"Ok then" Changbin said and leaned back in his chair, gesturing the boy to head out.

Jisung picked the file up from the table and bowed down, before quietly walking out.

But instead of going out of the Mansion, he sat down on the couch outside Changbin's office, clutching the file in his lap.

"Please be him..." he mumbled under his breath, crossing his fingers, wishing to see the face he was waiting for.

He knew it was quite a chance that Minho would come here for monthly report because usually it's Hyunjin who comes, but Mr. Seo, in the meeting, clearly said that Minho would be taking part in the business actively now. So maybe?

All Jisung wanted, was to talk. Talk about what? Well he didn't knew. It was clear as day that they can be nothing to each other. Then what? He didn't knew, all he wanted, was to have a conversation and coming onto something with the older.

"Please be hi-"

"Changbin I swear to god, what the fuck is this monthly report thing!? Is this a fucking 9 to 5 office or something!?"

Jisung's head snapped towards the main door of the Mansion when he head the voice. An unintentional smile slowly formed on his lips when he saw Minho coming in, nicely dressed and looking a little annoyed.

Jisung looked at the man properly, blinking at him with lost eyes.

Yesterday, he didn't didn't even had the chance of even the right mind to look at the older closely, at what he was wearing, how his hair was. How gorgeous he was looking.

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