9. Pretty

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Minho slowly blinked, opening his eyes, adjusting to the changed light of the sky.

Wait. How many hours does he sleep for?

He slowly opened his eyes, blinking, finally looking around, just to find himself comfortably laying on a soft cushion and wrapped in a fluffy blanket.

He didn't even knew when he fell asleep so deeply.

He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes and finally registered the voice.

He saw in the direction the voice came from and saw Jisung sitting at the edge of the tent, back facing him.

"It's pretty, right?"

The younger mumbled. A smile was so audible in his voice.

Minho blinked at the boy and sat up properly.

And then he finally moved his gaze towards the forest and hills Jisung was looking at.

Beautiful. It was so beautiful.

It was evening. 5:30 pm to be exact. The sun was setting behind the tall mountains. The sky was red and orange and pink and yellow and all the beautiful colours. The birds were flying so peacefully towards the hills, disappearing in the shy.

"I love this view... " Jisung mumbled again, smiling at the beautiful sky.

Minho looked at the boy and finally smiled. He slowly removed the blanket from top of him and quietly scooted forward to sit beside the younger.

"It really is pretty" he said, smiling at the birds that flew above them.

Jisung smiled, finally turning his head towards the older "How are you feeling?" he asked softly.

Minho blinked at the sky and turned towards the younger, getting lost in his eyes again.

Oh Minho feels so weak in front of these eyes.

And Jisung smiled even more. He knew Minho was lost again, he have been seeing this since the first day and he will not lie about how his heart melts when Minho just gets lost in his eyes, like he cannot see anything other than him. Other than Jisung.

"Slept well?" he asked again, making Minho come out of his thoughts.

"Oh..." Minho let out, blinking rapidly, coming back to earth "Y-Yeah... yeah... thank you..." he mumbled, smiling at the boy nervously.

Minho doesn't know why he was so weird around this boy. He never gets lost like that, he never gets nervous, he never stutter, he never...

He has never been handled so delicately.

Since day one...

' "Are you nervous?" '

Jisung had been so gentle and calm with him.

' "Why were you hiding it!? It's so pretty!" '

Maybe Jisung was doing something people normally do. Making someone feel good, taking care of each other's emotions? But to Minho, it was special. It was his first time someone was asking him if he slept well or not. It was his first time someone was wiping his tears away, even without asking anything. It was his first time that someone wrapped him in comfortable blankets so he could sleep well.

It was special for his heart.

"I-I'm... sorry, I slept for too long. I will pay for the extra ren-"

"I took it for the whole day" Jisung answered and smiled, turning back to the setting sun "I wanted to show you this" he said.

Minho kept looking at the boy, blinking at him blankly.

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