55. Happy Birthday

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"M-Minh- aah-!"

Jisung threw his head back with his eyes closed as his lips parted in a loud moan. His fingers tightened on the bedsheets he held in his fists to ground himself as the older bit down harshly under his ear while thrusting into him roughly.

Their bedroom with no lights other than the little golden twinkle lights still shining in their living room, making their room, their bodies shine ever so lightly in that darkness.

With a soft blanket over them and his head pressed on his pillow, he trembled as Minho kept slamming into him, breathing heavily in his nape, his fingers leaving red marks on his waist as he held him down in place.

It was just past 12, and his first 'Happy Birthday' he heard was in Jisung's shaky voice when he heard their clock tick.

"I-I love you" Minho mumbled against his skin between his breaths, kissing and biting his skin.

"I-I lov- Aah! M-Minho!" Jisung cried as his back arched when Minho kept hitting his prostate with a rough pace.

Minho slowly slid his hand, still holding Jisung by his waist from the other, and reached for his hand that held on the bedsheets tightly. The moment Jisung felt Minho's hand around his wrist, his hand loosened around the fabric, getting relaxed in the touch.

And Minho slowly slid his fingers into his palm, interwing their fingers tightly to ground him, to tell him how much he loves him, to tell him that they have each other.

Before Jisung could calm down from the rough yet loving treatment he was getting, Minho suddenly lifted himself from his nape and placed their lips together, kissing him deeply.

And the moment Jisung relaxed in that kiss...

"MMH!" his eyes shot open when Minho suddenly slammed a little too harsh thrust in him.

"A-Aah!" he opened his mouth, lips detaching from Minho's as he almost screamed and breathed heavily, while Minho stayed there. Lips brushing over his as he held his hand tighter, feeling Jisung dig his nails in the back of his hand, as he kept fucking him roughly.

Jisung's other hand scrambled around and found Minho's back, almost digging his nails in his skin to keep himself sane from what Minho was doing to him.

"M-Minho!" Jisung cried and suddenly his nails digged in the older's back, scratching a little.

And his eyes immediately shot open.

"I-I'm sorry!" Jisung breathed, feeling slight wetness in his fingers of the blood oozing out of the scratchers on Minho's back, and he immediately took his hand away, but "I-I'm s-sorry, bab- AAH!"

He moaned loudly when Minho thrusted even rashly on purpose and Jisung's hand immediately clutched back again at where he just scratched Minho and digged his nails even deeper.

He knew it was because he said sorry for scratching him and taking his hand off. He knew it.

And his eyes closed, as his body suddenly relaxed when Minho slowed his thrusts down, slowly stopping completely, and felt a soft kiss being placed on his forehead.

"I l-love you, love" Minho whispered, breathing heavily, feeling Jisung panting as his body still trembled lightly.

Jisung opened his eyes, having tiny tears in them, looking up at the man in front of him. The man he can kill for and die for.

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