27. Weird Habit

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"And Hyung tell me that she and Appa were so romantic. I was small so I don't remember much about her" the boy smiled, remembering his Mom's sweet smiles "But I remember her. I remember how she was" he pouted. He wanted her mom. Whole his life, somewhere in his heart, whole his life he wanted a magic to happen that gives him his Eomma back.

"You love your mom a lot" Minho said in a soft voice, smiling at the boy.

Jisung smiled, kicking the grass with lazy legs "Hm. I love eomma so so much" he mumbled, taking another tiny bite of his ice-cream.

It was past 11 am, and it was now there routine after their class. Sitting in that near by park, eating ice-creams, talking about everything and nothing. They asked each other things, about each other's lives, pasts, friends, families, liking, disliking, everything.

They were slowly and carefully blooming their little love. Molding it in something beautiful with careful hands.

Chan has stopped picking up Jisung after class. It was hard for him to accept this, but he was trying his best to give the two their space, the time they needed.

And even the time they wanted.

' "Five minutes"

"Ten?" the boy pouted, giving his older brother big puppy eyes.

Chan sighed, biting his smile to hide it, failing miserably "Fine. Ten" he said, shaking his head with a done smile on his lips.

"You are the best hyung!" Jisung almost screeched, running back in the empty meeting hall they all just got out of, as Chan stood in front of the gate.

Hall in where Minho was waiting for him.'

Everything was going alright. Minho was getting more and more involved in the business, learning on-field works, going to small meetinga with local dealers for now, grow his own connection slowly.

Hyunjin on the other hand could finally have some time to breath and relax, as Minho was slowly taking over to half of the work.

Although, on the other page of his life, he still was standing, leaning onto the wall, far away from that gate, everyday.

Everyday of seeing that boy running of that house with a happy smile, shouting a 'Bye Mom!'.

Everyday of seeing him stop at that bouquet of Daisies, and picking them up, smiling at them, and then keeping them back, leaving those flowers alone.

Everyday of seeing him running upto that man on the bike, looking at him with love filled eyes.

Everyday of him turning around and controlling his own tears in his eyes, and walking away with an aching heart.

When he got Seungmin's number on that little camping trip 2 Months ago, he thought they were atleast going to become friends. Texting each other, talking on calls, maybe meeting in a cafe on somedays. But it was all just his expectations which were meant to break.

Seungmin never texted him first, and he too slowly got out of things to text him and start a conversation with. Not like Seungmin's replies were ever dry. No. He was seemed happy and excited to talk to him but, there was not a lot to talk about.

So slowly, they stopped texting. And now it has been about 45 days since they have even shared a single text.

He was sure Seungmin would have even forgotten about him by now.

But he never forgot. He never forgot to leave those flowers for him on that wall. He never forgot for even a single day.

But one thing that has changed, was his want. His want to have this boy. His want to snatched him away from that man on the bike.

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