50. Surprises

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"We're fucked! Shit shit shit!"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes for the nth time since he reached the Mansion and entered Changbin's room, and it has only been 10 minutes.

"Dude I swear to god, can you chill for a fucking secon-"

"Chill!?" Jisung yelled, snapping his head up from the pillow "I KISSED HIM IN FRONT OF YOUR HEAD BUTLER! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!?" he screamed before slamming his face back into the pillow, screaming into it again.

Chan gulped nervously, looking at Jisung with worried and sacred eyes while sitting on the bed, and then at Changbin, wanting some kind of assurance that things are gonna be fine, that no chaos, fights, deaths will be there.

Changbin just passed a slight slow nod at the man, quietly assuring him that everything is fine, before turning back to Jisung, who was mumbling, god knows what, into the pillow.

"Jisung" he called the boy and got an incomprehensible mumbled in return.

"Jisung!" so he called again, a little strict this time.

And Jisung immediately lifted his head snap up from the pillow when he heard his 'Sir' call him, instead of his 'Hyung' now.

"Y-Yes, sir?" Jisung mumbled, immediately sitting on the bed properly, lowering his head in front of Changbin, getting ready for a scolding for being careless again.

The older sighed, shaking his head lightly. Maybe he should take a little more time for showing them that he gets strict and serious often and it doesn't mean he needs to be seen as 'Boss' suddenly. But that will take time, obviously.

"It's 'Hyung', Jisung. It's ok" so he assured and saw Jisung immediately getting relaxed a little, but way far from 'chill' about the situation.

"But hyung, Mr. Hyun will tell their Dad and then Appa will get to know and then I will be a dead meat-"

"Ok listen bitch!" Hyunjin suddenly jumped, almost like he was about to hit Jisung from how irritated he was "First of all, if anyone got to know, the first one to be the 'Dead meat' will be Minho hyung, and dad will eat him alive" he commented, making the younger gulp and scare him even more "And secondly, uncle Hyun most probably already knew about Minho hyung being in a relationship. Maybe he didn't knew about that the boy is you, but yeah. Minho hyung shares everything with him since childhood. And uncle Hyun keeps his things to himself. Uncle Hyun doesn't go off and tell everything to Dad. Chill"

"What do you think?" Jeongin asked while sipping his soda, taking a 1000% intrest in the situation, rocking his chair "He's gonna tell Lee or no?"

"Mm, I think he will" Felix answered, munching on the cookies Mrs. Cooper baked for them the pervious morning.

"Wanna bet?"

"Done. I go with their ass is gonna get busted"

Jeongin stir his soda, sipping it, thinking about it and then smiling "Bet. He will not tell Lee"

"What are we betting on by the way?"

"You next date with Chaeryeong" Jeongin said, smirking playfully, making the older roll his eyes.

"It's not a date for fucks sake"



"You guys are so close with him emotionally?" Chan suddenly asked with a smile, making Hyunjin look towards him, trying to change the atmosphere of the room.

He knew there was nothing they can do about this situation other than wait. And also, he trusts Hyunjin. If he is assuring that nothing is gonna happen, then maybe it's gonna be fine?

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