4. Ice-cream Sticks

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He smiled looking at himself in the mirror, checking his outfit and fixing his hair. "Perfect" he muttered with a shy smile and a soft blush.

He was happy. It was rare for him to even care what he was wearing, how he was looking in it, if his hair was fixed or not. He never cared.

But yesterday, suddenly it all changed for him.

He suddenly wanted to look his best. Dress properly, style his hair, find a perfect fit shoes for his outfit, and oh does he look handsome today.

Minho chose to take whole of his wardrobe out, scatter everything in his whole room, his bed, the floor, the couch, his chair, everywhere, and finally deciding on this outfit to wear.

He wore a sophisticated off-white shirt with slightly wider collars, keeping the top and the top-second button open, pairing it with blue, lightly rugged jeans and brown combat boot.

He decided to tuck the one half of the shirt's front in the jeans and keep the other side lose outside.

Slick back his Maroon strangs from one side, styling the other side properly above his forehead.

And then he remembered...

He ran towards his bed and crouched down. Opening the side drawers, he fumbled through his accessories, finally smiling when he found what he kept there last night.

A necklace.

A necklace with a hollow glass pendent, having a little wooden piece in it.

A little, poorly torn, piece of wood. The small top part of an Ice-cream stick, still having a faded shade of red. Probably of the ice-cream which was on it.

Maybe strawberry.

He smiled, pulling the necklace out and immediately wearing it with a happy smile.

He still remembers asking his grandfather that why he found a bunch of ice-cream sticks in his childhood box.

He was 6, and remembers somewhere in his faded memories that there was someone else too. He remembers, that someone and him, they digged a hole beside a big tree on a small hill like land and buried a metal box there, keeping their little thing in it, deciding on opening it when they will grow up.

He remember that that person and him used to call that place their 'secret base'. It was a small hill or a small open area, he doesn't remember properly. It was in between their way from school to home. He remember he used to threaten the driver of his car to stop there for atleast 10 minutes so they both can play there for that tiny bit of a time.

' "Grandpa, do you know why I must have buried these used Ice-cream sticks?" a 15 years old Minho asked his grandfather, holding the small rusted metal box in his hands, confused.

All the other things were pretty normal in that box. Old crayons, plastic guns, used scented erasers, friendship bracelets and a lot of children's stuff. But what made him curious was the bunch of, about 20, ice-cream sticks tied together with a red thread.

"They are your bestfriend's" the man replied with a pity smile, making the boy confused.

"Bestfriend?" the boy asked, tilting his head.

"The person you buried this box with. Your childhood bestfriend. He had a habit of collecting ice-cream sticks and when you both decided to burry this, he gave all his sticks to you" the man informed, looking at the sticks in the boy's hands "You came home so happy that day"

Minho frowned, trying to remember who it was "Who was it, Grandpa? I don't remember anything at all?" he pouted, wanting to know who his bestfriend was.

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