10. Fallen For Him

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The boy clutched the Rose in his fist, pressing it to his chest for the nth time, smelling it with a big smile on his face.

Oh Jisung has never felt so bubbly before. He was jumping and skipping the whole way he walked home after getting off of the bus.

"APPAAAA~HYUNGG~I'M HOMEE~" he sang loudly entering his house, and going straight to his room, not waiting for any responses.

He has always looked at couples and thought about how it would actually feel like to get flowers from someone you like. Would it really feel so special like they all act? Do you really get that happy that you want to jump around and giggle to yourself? Do you really feel like burring your face into your pillow and scream and kick your feet? Do you really blush that much?

And he got all the answers today.

Yes. You do.

The whole way back home, Jisung was on top of the clouds. Blushing like crazy, giggling again and again, looking at the rose in his hand.

He really likes Minho.

Or maybe...

Does he only likes him? or... No that would be too early to say that, right?

He was about to enter his room, when...


He stopped in his tracks when he heard the voice. He turned around and saw his older brother walking towards him with a soft smile.

"Hyung!" Jisung immediately beamed a bright smile at the older, which was returned to him as sweetly.

"Where were you? Dad said you texted him to tell me that you're gonna be late?" Chan asked, placing a soft hand on the boy's head, lightly ruffling his hair.

Jisung giggled and immediately got excited "Hyung! I have something to tell you! I'm so happy today!" he chirped and immediately grabbed Chan by his wrist, dragging him in the room with him.

"Hey! What is it?" Chan asked, stumbling and laughing a little as the younger dragged him and closed the door behind him.

"Hyung! Look!" he suddenly jumped showing the older the rose "He gave me this!" he almost shouted, still smiling and blushing like crazy.

"He?" Chan asked in confusion as he frowned lightly, tilting his head.

"He, hyung! That boy in my art class!" Jisung giggled "You were worried cuz you thought that he might not like me back, but look! He gave me a flower and we were together the whole day today and he is so sweet and-"

"You were with him the whole day?"

Jisung suddenly quieted down when Chan spoke, sounding completely unimpressed.

His body slowly calmed down, all the excitement slowly dying in him, seeing his brother looking at him with questionable eyes. He lowered his hand, holding the flower between his fingers loosely when Chan didn't even spared the look at it.

"Yes..." he mumbled nervously. "I, um, we went out to a coffee shop cuz I wanted to know about what you were scared of, that he might not like me, or even boys. But hyung after today, maybe he doesn't like me the way I do, but he does. He at least have a crush on me. I can tel-"

"'The way you do'? What do you mean he might not like you the way 'you do'?" Chan asked, concern lacing his tongue "You only said you found him cute? When did 'crush' and 'like' came in?"

True. Where, and specially, when did all this came in the picture? Three days. It has been just three day since they met for the first time. What crush? What like? They doesn't even know each other properly.

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