6. Coconut Kiwi

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He took a deep breath and finally prepared himself to face the other, grabbing the door knob in his hand.

It has been 2 hours. 2 hours since Jisung locked himself in the class room, doing particularly nothing other than blushing and giggling to himself about what happened earlier, and 2 hours of Minho sketching in the hall.

Jisung cleared his throat and finally twisted the knob, pushing the door open.

"Minho...?" he called in a soft voice, lifting his head to look at the other, and saw Minho rolling a sheet and keeping it in his papre holder, having a big smile on his face.

Minho looked up and smiled seeing Jisung standing at the door, blinking at him dumbly.

"Hey..." he smiled at the younger, closing the paper holder and placing it on his shoulder "Are you done?" he asked with a little head tilt, not looking that shy or nervous anymore.

Jisung blinked and looked at the canvas Minho was drawing on previously and saw the same sketch, still incomplete, and frowned in confusion. What was Minho doing since 2 hours then? He haven't even touched the sketch at all.

And Jisung will never admit it, but he felt sad and a little disappointed.

Maybe he was expecting a sketch of himself on that canvas? Just maybe.

"Uh, yeah..." he replied, and smiled. He wanted to pout and ask why didn't he drew him, but obviously didn't chose to do it.

He walked out of the room, closing the door behind him, adjusting his own side bag on his shoulder.

He was still very shy about what happened and what he said earlier.

' "Y-You can... practice drawing a m-male version of it too..... I-I won't mind..." '

And if he was being honest, he was embarrassed of it now. He was scared that now Minho might be weirded out by him for saying that so bluntly, and maybe will not talk to him much and-

"What were you doing?"

He was suddenly brought back from his thoughts when he heard the older ask. He looked up and blinked, clearing his head and replying.

"Oh, nothing. Just practicing different shadow techniques I missed in today's class" he informed, smiling awkwardly.

Minho smiled sweetly and nodded "Tell me if I can help, yeah?"

The younger nodded with a little shy smile "And you?" he asked quietly, eyeing the canvas again.

"I was drawing You"

Oh how his heart stopped for some seconds there.

He looked back at the older with wide eyes and almost racing heartbeat.


"You. I was drawing you" Minho repeated in the same sweet tone, smiling wider "And it turned out beautiful"

Jisung was not breathing. He was sure he was not. He just stood there with wide eyes, red cheeks and painfully fast heartbeat.

Minho really drew him? So the paper he was folding, was... his portrait?

Minho smiled when he saw the younger froze. Not like he was any better. His heart too was pouncing in his chest crazily, but he didn't knew what happened that he was not that shy or nervous anymore.

He slowly walked up to the younger as he kept looking at him with wide eyes.

And when Jisung thought that Minho would say something that might make the air lighter a little...

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