7. Mine

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"HE DREW ME! HYUNG!" the boy jumped, giggling and kicking his feet on his older brother's bed "It was a girl's sketch that he was drawing and I walked in in-between, and when I looked at the sketch, it was literally me with long hair!" he giggled with a shy blush covering his cheeks.

But looks like someone was not impressed by the information at all.

"And how does this proves that he likes you, or have a crush on you, to say the least?" Chan asked in a little strict tone, giving no smiles to younger's happiness.

Jisung pouted when he didn't got the reaction he was waiting for "He wanted to draw me, hyung. He wanted to draw me, but he was shy so he drew me as a girl so won't kno-"

"Or because he would like a girl with your features and not you..."

And the words quieted the boy down immediately.

So Chan sighed, already knowing where this conversation is going to end.

"He is an artist, Jisung. You are too. You know you guys find inspirations in anything possible" Chan started "Maybe he just saw an inspiration in you and wanted to draw you purely because of that, but couldn't, because of the thought that you might take it in a wrong way, just like you are doing right now"

"But... But then he actually drew me..." Jisung mumbled with a sad and disheartened voice.

"Yes, because you gave him the permission to do so" Chan sighed seeing the boy's excitement completely fade away and expressions going sadder with every second.

Chan was happy about Jisung having a crush on someone, it was ok, but this time Jisung was claiming that that boy had a crush on him as well, and that's where the line should be drawn. He just can't assume that someone likes him back and then get his feelings hurt in the end.

"Jisung..." so he called the boy softly "Just because he drew you doesn't mean he likes you. And from what you told about him drawing you as a 'girl', I don't think he even like boys, baby"

Jisung looked down to his lap, body slowly getting calm and almost dull at this point "But... the thread thing... And he held my hand to-"

"Enough Jisung!"

It was rare for Chan to raise his voice at Jisung, so Jisung immediately silenced and looked down, muttering a little "Sorry"

Chan immediately cussed himself for reacting that way and sighed "Jisung, I'm so sorry baby, I just don't want you to hurt yourself by assuming that someone have feelings for you when in reality, they don't. And how it seems to me, I don't think this boy even like boys"

This time Jisung didn't argued, he knew it was useless. He can't explain Chan what happened at the class, how Minho was looking at him, how he was blushing, how he held his hand. He understood that touch, but he can't make Chan understand that. So he kept quiet and just nodded.

Chan smiled pitifully at the boy "It's ok Sungie, it doesn't matter anyways..." he spoke, making the younger look up at him with big but sad eyes, blinking slowly.

"Even if he likes you, it's not like you can have a future with him..."

"For fuck's sake, can you stop looking at me!?" Hyunjin complained for the nth time since the morning and it was only 8:30 am.

But Minho, he kept staring and blinking at him with dumbed eyes.

"Hyung please!" he groaned in annoyance, throwing his head back on the seat of the car.

It was 8:30 in the morning and Hyunjin and Minho were in the car as their driver drove them to Minho's art class. But what was different thing today was... Hyunjin. Like, completely.

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