13. His Son

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Minho will not lie, he do sometimes get a little too tired of things, but he holds on. He tries. But when it starts to feel like everything, even your own life is against you, what can one do? Cry? Scream? Fall quiet?

He didn't knew too.

He didn't knew how to react when he saw that boy who he thought was the only normal part of his life, the only person he shares really happy smiles with, the only person who made him feel like he had a purpose for the next morning, standing in front of him in a criminal's house. In a Mafia's house. He didn't knew how to react.

So he fell numb.

He stood there as his breath got stuck in his throat, trying to process if the situation was even real or he was so in love with this boy that he is seeing him everywhere now.

But before he could run his thoughts any further...

"M-Minho...?" the boy let out in a panicked whisper, as his eyes widened.

It was unfair to say that the situation was easy for Jisung. It was not. But he still held himself together. So before anything, he immediately grabbed the man's wrist and pulled him inside the restroom, slamming the door close after.

"Minho! What are you doing here!?" he asked, as if Minho could enter a Mafia's building by mistake, as if he could pass through the guards while roaming around casually, as if he already didn't understood that Minho was one of them.

Yes. He didn't. He didn't understood. Or say, he didn't wanted to.

And on the other hand, Minho stood there, lightly leaning back on the door, staring at Jisung through numb eyes, still trying to calculate the situation.

And then he remembered.

The day his dad told Hyunjin to bring him to the Mansion because there was a meeting, and Jisung...

' "He said he had some important work so he will not be coming today" '

Then he remembered...

That strong grip of Jisung's hand on his wrist. The marks his fingers left. The strength.

And then his mind started wandering...

Jisung never walked to his home with him. Just like he never did to his own with the boy.

So they had the same reasons? Wow.

Minho blinked his eyes slowly as he felt small tears forming in them and his throat getting tighter, when he slowly moved his gaze down, seeing the younger properly.

He looked so different. So so different. Like he was seeing a completely different person.

Jisung was wearing a nicely tucked and ironed black suit with a white shirt underneath, black pants and black shoes. A beautiful diamond broach, a gold watch.

But the thing that caught Minho's eyes, was the on his waist.

A belt. A belt having a gun in it.

"T-This..." he muttered numbly, staring at the gun "T-This is not f-fair.." oh his voice came out so quiet and broken.

He thought he was living a different life with Jisung, away from guns, away from his real life, but oh if he knew.

"T-This is s-so fucking u-unfair.." a lost voice came out of his lips as his eyes refused to look away from that gun.

He was not ready to belive that the hands he gave a delicate flower in, holds a gun and kill people. The lips that touched his cheek today oh so gently, has probably touched drugs. The sweet face that he adores so much, might had been covered in blood before. Someone else's blood.

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