51. In His Cradle

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"I swear, I hate how sweet and nice he acts, dude" Jeongin complained, munching on his sandwich with his other hand inside his pocket as he and Felix walked down the street slowly under the almost night sky.

"Hm" Felix just hummed, blinking at the tiny stars which started to show in the blue orange sky.

"Motherfucker is of no good. I still doubt that he only hired us for keeping an eye on them" Jeongin continued to moke and complain about their ex-Boss as Felix continued walking beside him quietly, just humming now and then to his words.

"You know what? I think he is gonna kill off either of the two in the end. Either Minh-"

"I don't want them to die..."

Jeongin suddenly went silent when Felix spoke in such a soft, quiet voice. A voice which sounded so heart broken.

"Hey.." so he called the younger, but Felix didn't looked at him. He just sighed, looking up at the moon with numb eyes.

"They... really love each other" he spoke in such a emotion filled voice "I don't... I don't want to see them crying and screaming for each other anymore"

Jeongin blinked at the younger quietly, already knowing these emerging emotions.

Because... He was feeling them too. He was feeling bad for them too.

But he will never show it. Never.

"We... can't feel attached to our target-"

"They are not our targets anymore..."

"So? It was him, hm?"

Minho blinked rapidly, walking through the corridor of the Mansion towards the main door, as Mr. Hyun kept teasing him, mumbling this 'So it was him?' again and again, until...

"I swear to god, Uncle" Minho quietly scolded as his ears burned red with that sweet embarrassment.

Mr. Hyun was teasing him right now, because Jisung kissed him right in front of him, but he knew the moment they will reach home, he will have a lecture about how it was dangerous and how it Jisung was not the right person and what will happen if his Dad finds out and what not.

But for now, it was just a sweet teasing.

"Come on, tell me when did all this happened?" Mr. Hyun asked in the younger's ear with a childish grin, keeping his voice as low as possible.

"If anybody saw you talking to me like this, you are gonna be-"

"Dead? I know. Now tell me!" Mr. Hyun almost whined and smiled, but suddenly stopped when...

"Oh..." he let out and immediately pulled his hands behind his back, straighting himself, when Minho stopped in his tracks, almost running into someone.

Minho stopped and blinked at the person in front of him as a soft smile suddenly formed on his lips.

"Hey" he whispered, tilting his head sweetly, seeing Jisung looking at him and then a Mr. Hyun behind him with wide eyes, before immediately looking down out of fear, out of embarrassment.

Even thought Hyunjin assured Jisung about Mr. Hyun, he was still very very scared about the consciousness of what he did, of how careless he was.

So he immediately looked down, muttering a little "Good evening", before stepping aside from in front of the older and walking away when...

Minho suddenly stepped in front of him again, blocking his path.

Jisung snapped his head up as his eyes go wide at the action, and Minho on the other hand, smiled oh so lovingly.

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