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After the mutated dog dies, the danger in the room is temporarily lifted.

Zou Bin's ability is being taken away and he can no longer move the mutant beast outside into the room.

As his abilities were slowly stripped away, his mind was in pain as if it was being torn apart, as if his soul was being continuously cut. But the most painful thing is that he can really feel his ability leaving him little by little.

"No, don't take it away..." He lay in the corner, wailing desperately.

Jiang Ci's expression was indifferent, and there was no emotion in his dark eyes. The metal wires in his palms were intertwined in the floating starlight, and he was taking the power in a leisurely manner.

Zou Bin burst into tears from the pain. He raised his head in pain. In a daze, he thought he saw Tang Yichuan.

Ah, he remembered, this was how he took away Tang Yichuan's ability more than three months ago.

However, he did not have the ability at that time, let alone the ability to condense such a thin metal wire. He used an instrument developed by the Third Institute to insert an electrode needle that was more than ten times thicker than the metal wire into his temple, activated the instrument, and took it by force.

After the pricking, two bloody holes would be left on the temple. Tang Yichuan was in much more pain then than he is now.

But so what? In order to gain the ability, he was also stabbed himself.

Besides, what is his identity, and what is Tang Yichuan’s identity?

His father is the chairman of Hongfeng Group and the richest man in Rongcheng. He is the young director of Hongfeng. He is born with everything he wants. Wherever he goes, isn't he supported by the people around him?

Tang Yichuan, on the other hand, was just a country bumpkin who came from a poor ravine. He didn't take this kind of person seriously at all at first. Even when they first met in the university dormitory, they didn't hide the disdain in their eyes.

However, Tang Yichuan was very outstanding, with a good personality, good popularity, good grades, and good looks. He was good at everything except being poor. The teachers in the school like him, his classmates like him, and even Zou Bin likes Xie Hua, who has his eye on him.

Zou Bin doesn't like that flower girl very much. What kind of woman has he not played with? I just wanted to have a taste.

He thought he could catch it by spending some money, but there were indeed things in the world that money couldn't buy. Not only was Xihua unmoved, she also expressed disdain for his behavior, saying that he was not worthy of being compared with Tang Yichuan.

This made Zou Bin feel even more embarrassed.

What made him even more angry was that later his father went to A University to give a speech. When he came back, he also praised Tang Yichuan. He said, "Look, you have better learning conditions than Xiao Tang. Why are you not as good as him?" and even wanted to recruit Tang Yichuan in advance. Worked as a technical backbone in Hongfeng Group.

At that time, Zou Bin was unhappy, but at the same time he felt that no matter how good Tang Yichuan was, he would not have to work for him in the future, so he was secretly happy.

He even deliberately pretended to be friends with Tang Yichuan on behalf of his father and issued an invitation in a condescending manner.

He thought at that time that Hongfeng Group should be grateful for employing you, a country bumpkin, with such favorable conditions. After all, you have probably never seen so much money in your life.

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