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Lin Konglu went back to the dormitory again, picked up his things and left in a hurry. But as soon as he arrived at the entrance of the base, he was stopped.

"You can't leave the base without a pass without any reason." The mercenary who stopped him said in a stiff tone.

Lin Konglu thought he had been exposed at first. Hearing this, he breathed a sigh of relief, then frowned again.

He definitely doesn't have a pass. It's too late to apply now. If he breaks through forcefully, he won't be able to get through. Do he have to wait for people from Central Continent to come?

Just as he was thinking about it, Hayes passed by in a hurry, followed by a group of mercenaries.

Seeing Lin Konglu being stopped, he seemed to ask casually: "What's wrong?"

After Lin Konglu knew that he was a spy, he became more cautious in his words and deeds. He said calmly: "I haven't been home for more than half a year. I wanted to go home to visit relatives, but I forgot to apply for a pass in advance."

"Oh, I think it's such a big deal." Hayes smiled after hearing this, with a gentle look on his face, "Your home is in Rongcheng, Central Continent, right? It just so happens that I'm going to Rongcheng too, let's come together."

When Lin Konglu heard that he mentioned Rongcheng, he felt wary and was about to decline. But Hayes had already put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Let's go, let's take the plane from the base, it will save trouble and time."

After the words fell, the mercenaries around him also took a few steps forward. They seemed to be following Hayes, but in fact they were quietly blocking Lin Konglu's retreat.

Lin Konglu's heart sank, and he had a hunch that he was probably exposed.

With a calm face, he nodded and said, "Then I'll trouble Mr. Hayes."

The hand placed in the pocket of the windbreaker quietly answered the phone call in Zhongzhou based on memory. Anyway, we are going to Rongcheng, but the way is different.

He and Hayes walked to the tarmac together, pretending to chat casually, with a calm expression on their delicate and beautiful faces.

"By the way, Mr. Hayes, I heard that Experiment 157 has been sent to Rongcheng in Central Continent? Why so suddenly? He is a monster and very dangerous. Rongcheng is densely populated. If he loses control, many people will be injured.

"And didn't you say before that you wanted me to be his exclusive researcher? When you asked me to go to the mountain to contact him, didn't you also hope that I could appease him and prevent him from hurting others?"

He deliberately used words such as "Experimental Subject 157" and "Monster", hoping that the person on the other end of the phone would understand.

Hayes smiled and did not answer his question directly. He only said: "Don't worry, we are doing this to save more people."

After that, he stopped talking. Lin Konglu achieved his goal and cut off the call.

It wasn't until he got on the plane that Hayes glanced at his phone and suddenly turned to look at him. His eyes under the lenses flashed a dangerous cold light, but his tone was gentle and he asked: "Su, who did you call just now?"

Lin Konglu froze, but quickly relaxed again.

After all, the news had already spread, and when the mercenaries quietly surrounded him in the hall just now, he guessed that he might have been exposed, and he was mentally prepared.

"What did you say?" He pretended not to understand, then opened the phone with his hand in his trench coat pocket, searched through his memory, and deleted the call history.

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