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"Forget it, I'll think of something else." Jiang Ci felt that he couldn't get any constructive advice from his family, so he simply got up and went upstairs.

"Wait, wait a minute." Mr. Jiang hurriedly held him, his hands trembling, "Xiaolu is Professor Song's son? Is he pregnant with your child? He, is he a boy?"

Jiang Mian also put down his unsteady tea cup and said in a barely calm tone: "You are so awesome, Jiang Ci."

Butler Ding was still in shock and murmured: "Is this child confused? Is he talking nonsense?"

To Jiang Ci, these words were equivalent to "Silly boy, what are you dreaming about?"

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said "It's true" and continued to go upstairs.

Now Mr. Jiang was not calm at all, he looked in a daze, and after a while he said, "Aci has a child?"

Butler Ding was happy for his grandfather and grandson. He wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Yes, I didn't say a word about this child Aci before, so we didn't know about it. Today's door-to-door gift is also thin, and it's just Aci." If people go, they won’t be sincere enough.”

"That's right." Mr. Jiang patted the back of the old butler's hand and agreed: "You are still thoughtful. I have to visit my in-laws as soon as possible and prepare more gifts. I can't let my in-laws feel that we don't take them seriously. Also, this It’s my first official meeting with my in-laws, grandson-in-law, and son-in-law. Should I dress more festively, or should I wear something..."

"Grandpa." Seeing that he was only interested in being happy, Jiang Mian couldn't help but remind him: "Aci made his son pregnant before he got married. Professor Song is probably furious right now. After all, the central base was destroyed three months ago. Networks and communications were restored, of course, only within the central base.

Most of the posts on the Internet are from before the apocalypse, and they are mostly jokes and jokes, with few serious answers and not very practical.

Jiang Ci didn't look at it for a while, then he pinched his eyebrows and put down his pen with a headache.

He thought he wouldn't have a chance to see Lin Konglu today, but halfway through writing, a call suddenly came in from his cell phone.

He took it and saw that it was Lin Konglu. His dark eyes brightened and he hurriedly answered the call.

Lin Konglu was hiding in his room at the moment, holding his cell phone. Maomao asked in a low voice, "Didn't you say you were coming over today? It's almost noon, why haven't you come yet?"

The mobile phone was the one used before the end of the world. It was left in the villa in Rongcheng. Song Yunwei went to the villa and did not find him, but brought the mobile phone back.

Because there was no signal, he had not turned it on before. Now that he had arrived at the central base and had signal again, he tried to use it.

As soon as he turned on the phone, he found that Jiang Ci was still on the blacklist of his communication software, and all his chat records had been deleted.

He happened to wait and wait, but before Jiang Ci came to visit, he simply made this call.

Jiang Ci couldn't help but feel glad that he still remembered himself in the blacklist, coughed lightly and said, "I'm still at home."

Lin Konglu frowned after hearing this.

Jiang Ci explained: "I went to your house once, but..."

He coughed lightly again and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, uncle should know that you have my child."

Dressed As Cannon Fodder In An Apocalypse NovelWhere stories live. Discover now