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The other person was obviously a young man, dressed in black and wearing a mask, with only one eye exposed. When he looked down at him, his eyes were a little cold, but it seemed like it was just his illusion.

"Well (you)..." Lin Konglu subconsciously wanted to speak, but his mouth was still covered, so he could only try to open his eyes wide and try his best to hint to the other party to let go.

The man seemed not to understand his hint, lowered his head and frowned: "Don't make any sound."

The voice was nice and somehow familiar.

Lin Konglu felt strange. The next second, his body was squeezed tighter, and he could feel the coldness of the other person's body through his backpack.

He seemed to be held in the other person's arms. Just when he was feeling uncomfortable, he heard the sound coming closer on the stairs.

There is a distance between the stairs and the wall of the corridor. Although the door they are close to is locked, there is a small rectangular space between the door and the wall.

As long as you shrink into this space as much as possible and hold your breath, you can avoid being noticed by the things on the stairs.

Lin Konglu instantly understood the intention of the person behind him, and moved his body as close as possible.

The person behind him seemed to be breathing for a moment, and the arms around his waist tightened slightly.

Lin Konglu understood, Lin Konglu understood that the other party held him tightly because he was afraid that he would be exposed.

So he cooperated and tried his best to lean back, trying his best to keep the corners of his clothes from exposing the wall.

The person behind him: "..."

In the small space, the two of them were close to each other. Lin Konglu raised his head slightly, his eyebrows were delicate, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

The other party was also slightly lowering his eyelids, and his eyes met.

The dark eyes were like a deep pool, calm and waveless, but at a certain moment, there seemed to be light passing by.

Lin Konglu inexplicably felt that these eyes were familiar, but maybe it was still an illusion. Human eyes should be similar, right? It’s just that the pair in front of me are particularly beautiful.

He wondered if he had the ability to control appearance. Otherwise, why would he associate so much with a pair of eyes?

But no matter what, it will always be a bit rude and embarrassing to keep staring at the other person.

He thought the other party should be the same, so he took the initiative to look away. After thinking about it, the other party stopped looking at him.

But he was wrong. The person behind him didn't seem to feel embarrassed. He didn't look away and kept looking at him.

Lin Konglu was a little uncomfortable and turned his face to one side as much as possible, exposing the thin white side of his neck. Under the skin, dark blue blood vessels were clearly visible.

The person behind him narrowed his eyes slightly and finally looked away, but Lin Konglu didn't notice it anymore.

Click, click...

The soft beating sound on the stairs was getting closer and closer, like a beating on the heart. Both of them held their breath, and when they were closest, their voices suddenly paused, as if they were watching.

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