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Outside the Third Hospital, everyone who was about to get on the bus turned pale.

With almost no time to react, cracks appeared in the ground around them, and countless rotten vines suddenly rushed out.

Jiang Ci immediately hugged Lin Konglu tightly, flashed, and cut off dozens of branches in the blink of an eye.

Major Chen shouted at the same time: "Get in the car quickly, the awakened ones who can form shields will form shields."

Everyone immediately got into the car, and the Ice Awakener quickly formed a shield. Jiang Ci also condensed metal blades and metal walls to attack and resist.

But rotten vines kept coming out of the ground, and even if they got in the car, they couldn't leave.

Just when everyone was anxious, a louder rumble suddenly came from the third courtyard, and the ground shook violently, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

Everyone froze and turned their heads subconsciously.

At the entrance of the third hospital, a huge crack opened in the ground instantly, and the hospital was divided into two. Dozens of thick rotten vines broke out of the ground, like giant snakes, rising straight into the sky and intertwining into one.

The rotten vines grew thicker and thicker, and soon grew into a giant tree. The rotten branches spread out from the top and covered the sky and the sun.

Building No. 3 of the hospital was just broken by vines, and the countless branches dripping with rotten mucus were strung with mutated beasts and zombies stabbed to death. The scene was particularly terrifying.

Lin Konglu raised his hands to cover his eyes and discovered that one of the corpses happened to be Zou Bin.

At this time, an even weirder scene appeared. In the center of the rotten vine trunk that was already several buildings thick, a huge, terrifying human face gradually appeared.

The face was as big as two buildings put together. Because the surface of the main body of the rotten vine was rotten, the face looked pitted. The impact at close range would cause a certain mental shock to people who did not have a phobia of giant objects.

As the main vine continues to grow, the human face becomes more and more realistic, as if it is alive, and the closed eyes seem to open at any time.

"Let's go!" Someone finally whispered in a horrified tone.

But everyone knew that they couldn't leave. Rotten vines were growing underground in every corner of the city, unless they could leave Rongcheng instantly.

But even the ability to move in space has distance limitations.

Jiang Ci clenched the knife, his eyes focused: "If you can't leave, then fight."

Lin Konglu subconsciously turned his head and looked at him.

How to fight this? Although they all guessed that the face might be the subject, the problem was that the dense rotten vines would not let anyone get close.

Even if we could get close, with such a big face, slashing from east to west would be further than running a 100-meter sprint. With one strike, the damage is basically light rain, right?

The key is that the main vine is still growing, squeezing the surrounding buildings. If this continues, not only them, but also the buildings in the three courtyards and nearby shopping malls and communities will be overturned.

No one even knows what it will look like in the end? Will it be so big that it occupies the entire high-tech zone? Or even the entire Rongcheng?

"First use heavy fire weapons." Major Chen said through gritted teeth.

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