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"Maybe Shen Huo is still in the city and he is planning it?" Another researcher present then asked, "But if it was him, how did he escape the search?"

You know, they have almost searched through the entire Wuwang City in the past few days. They even found several gerbils hiding in the corners, but they couldn't find Shen Huo. It was really evil.

Dr. Liang was irritated about this matter. Five or six days later, not only did they fail to catch Shen Huo and find the broken page, they also learned from Meng Yichuan that the best experimental subject, Lin Konglu, had also been there before them. Before coming, he was kicked out of Wuwang City.

Nothing is accomplished!

The only good thing is that the actions they took before leaving the Chawen base should have successfully trapped the troops from the Central and Western Continents. At least those people have not found Wuwang City yet.

But we can’t delay it any longer. We have to go through the city, especially this time to check the divine attendants. I suspect..."

"It's not urgent. Let's deal with the group of people outside first." Dr. Liang was annoyed by the banging on the door outside. He raised his hand to interrupt, and then ordered the mercenary controlling the spider thread, "Let Meng Yichuan come forward to deal with it."

Meng Yichuan, who had been sitting stiffly like a wooden stake, flashed with pain in his eyes, but under the control of the spider silk, his body stood up like a puppet, and even said "yes" to Dr. Liang respectfully.

Dr. Liang didn't look at him at all, and said to Lu Lin and a few mercenaries: "You guys should go there together to prevent any accidents."

Lu Lin nodded and stood up, putting on the coat of a divine servant.

Outside the temple, in just a short while, two more people showed symptoms of alienation, but the god did not appear. Everyone's anger became more and more intense, and they almost believed that Meng Yichuan had trapped the god, otherwise the god would not leave them alone.

After all, God is so tolerant and kind, and they have been bathing in His grace since they arrived in Wuwang City.

"Everyone, we must see God today and let Meng Yichuan give us an explanation!"

"Yes, there are bad people around God!"

"Charge into the temple and rescue the god!"

When the shouts reached their peak, the door of the temple was finally opened, and Meng Yichuan walked out slowly.

The angry crowd fell silent, and then someone asked: "Meng Yichuan, where did you hide God?"

Before Meng Yichuan could speak, the divine attendant next to him said coldly: "Be presumptuous and don't be rude to the envoy."

"Ha, Lord God Envoy? But I heard that it was this Lord God Envoy who colluded with outsiders and imprisoned God. That's why God didn't show up for so many days. Meng Yichuan, tell me, is this true?"

"Yeah, give us an explanation."

"Tell me, is it true?"

"Please ask God to let us meet."

Meng Yichuan's face was stiff, and he raised his hand to stop his voice. Like a machine without emotion, he said slowly: "Who told you to make a noise outside the temple? It's presumptuous, rude, and disrespectful to God. God is already very angry."

The people present all had crazy faith in Shen Huo. When they heard that the god was angry, they were all a little uneasy.

Meng Yichuan also took the opportunity to continue: "I said last time that God was injured by the traitor Yang Tianning in collusion with monsters. He has to recuperate in the near future and will not be able to show up. Why, just because the baptism ceremony was not held for a week, you forgot God's grace and ran outside the temple. Making trouble and disrespecting God? Which heretic inspired you to do this?"

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