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When leaving the restaurant, Jiang Ci took out the rabbit nested in Linkong Deer's hood and threw it to Song Yunwei, who was still drinking soup.

Lin Konglu didn't notice anything was wrong. When he walked with him to the corner of the corridor outside, he was still analyzing carefully: "If the infection in Wuwang City is really related to the broken pages, wait for my brother... I mean Shen Huo, wait for him to send Once people count the infections, they can determine the approximate range based on the movement trajectories of infected people.

"However, if the infection is really caused by the broken pages, it means that the broken pages are not sealed and stored at present. After they are found, they still have to be placed with us to prevent them from continuing to infect other people."

The broken page that was sent to the central base has been kept with them, and nothing happened to anyone traveling with them.

But after talking for a long time, he suddenly realized that Jiang Ci had not made any sound, so he couldn't help but stop and turned his head in confusion.

Jiang Ci also turned his head to look at him, his dark eyes motionless.

Lin Konglu: "?"

Jiang Ci looked away and said normally: "You recognize quite a few brothers, and everyone you call is close to me."

Lin Konglu: "??" Isn't it just Song Yunwei and Shen Huo? Song Yunwei is still his brother.

in addition……

"Didn't you just say that you didn't want me to recognize you?"

"It's true." Jiang Ci suddenly turned around, held his wrist, pressed him against the white marble wall of the corridor, and gently rubbed it with his fingertips.

Lin Konglu's thin figure was shrouded between him and the wall, and the morning light filtered through the stained glass window and cast silhouettes on their faces.

Jiang Ci's eyes fell on the long and thick eyelashes of the person in front of him, then slowly moved to the beautifully contoured lips, and whispered: "But you called them, but you didn't call me that."

Lin Konglu: "..."

Jiang Ci came closer, his voice was low and hoarse, and he said softly: "When we first fell in love, you occasionally shouted."

Lin Konglu knew that he was talking about before the end of the world, but he didn't remember what happened at that time, and he didn't know why Jiang Ci mentioned it, so he couldn't help but look at him in confusion.

Jiang Ci kissed his eyes and earlobes, and coaxed in a low voice: "Will you shout again?"

Lin Konglu's face turned red. For some reason, it felt natural to call Song Yunwei and Shen Huo. Maybe it was because he really regarded them as brothers, but calling Jiang Ci...

His eyelashes drooped lightly, his face felt a little feverish, and the words rolled over and over on the tip of his tongue, always feeling a lingering taste.

It wasn't until he caught a glimpse of the divine attendant patrolling in the distance with his peripheral vision that he gritted his teeth and quickly whispered, "Brother."

It was like a mosquito humming, and his voice was soft and had a little hook. It was completely different from the ones he usually called Song Yunwei or Shen Huo.

Jiang Ci's eyes narrowed and he continued to coax: "Shou Duici."

Lin Konglu: "..."

He was speechless, thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Are you disgusting?"

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