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Strange sounds seemed to come from the depths of consciousness, ancient and void, fleeting.

Jiang Ci rubbed his eyebrows, thinking it was an illusion for a while.

Lin Konglu saw that he looked tired, worry flashed in his eyes, and he asked worriedly: "Is everything okay?"

Jiang Ci turned his head to look at him, squeezed his fingers, smiled and reassured: "It's okay, maybe I just fell asleep and had a dream."

Lin Konglu said "Oh" and looked at him again. Seeing that he was indeed fine, he felt relieved.

The car quickly drove to the edge of the oasis, and several people abandoned the car and walked, planning to take a detour from the south of the oasis into Wuwang City.

In order to conceal their whereabouts, Yang Tianning and others all wore camouflage and wore hats made of branches and leaves on their heads, trying to blend in with the surrounding plants.

When he turned around and saw that Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci were motionless, Yang Tianning reminded: "Holy Son, there may be people from the organization squatting in the forest. We have to dress more concealed."

In order to cover the curvature of his abdomen, Lin Konglu still wore a platinum cloak all the way, like a noble young master in the Middle Ages. It has been exposed to the wind and sun for five or six days in the desert, but it is still beautiful and dazzling, like a flower that has been carefully cared for in a glass bottle filled with water, and has not been contaminated by any wind and sand.

Next to him, Jiang Ci was wearing a black combat uniform. He looked more presentable, but he didn't seem to know how to use plants to cover his figure.

Yang Tianning looked at these two people, feeling increasingly uncertain. He sighed and thought: With this configuration, can we really take back Wuwang City? Don't just deliver food.

But it has come, and there is no other way now but to fight hard. If Shen Huo is still in the city, if he delays for one more day, the other party will be in greater danger of being caught.

Even if Shen Huo escaped with Mr. Song, given the situation at the time, he probably wouldn't be able to survive for long.

The confused person turned around and walked back to the small courtyard.

Shen Luo raised his eyes to look at him, his eyes passed over the collar, he quickly frowned, then lowered his eyes and continued to eat the roasted field mouse.

Song Yunwei wiped the blood off his hands, walked over and sat down beside him, turned around and asked, "What's going on with that Meng Yichuan? He has a grudge against you? Why is he staring at you so hard?"

Shen Huo tried not to look at him and said quietly: "It's nothing, I saved him."

Song Yunwei: "?" Didn't you kill him?

Shen Luo frowned: "Maybe he can't accept the collapse of his faith."

Song Yunwei: "..." Pink turns to black, it's really scary.

Speaking of this, he was a little worried about his younger brother. Xiaolu's ability seems to be somewhat similar to Shen Huo's, but you must never train such a person.

Shen Huo stopped talking. After eating the field mouse, he just sat quietly.

There was silence in the courtyard. After a moment, he suddenly stood up and walked out in a daze as if he had lost his mind.

Song Yunwei was startled, and hurriedly pulled him back, shook him awake, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

"You just

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