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Lin Konglu didn't know why Jiang Ci pretended not to remember things in his consciousness, but he guessed that there were two reasons.

First, in the state of consciousness, after Jiang Ci lost his memory, he did some very embarrassing things. Just thinking about it for him, Lin Konglu couldn't help but scratch his toes on the ground. Jiang Ci usually looks like a cool guy, but he has image baggage, so he definitely can't accept himself like that.

Second, they are ex-couples who have broken up after all, and some of the things that happened in their consciousness are too ambiguous. Jiang Ci may be afraid that he will misunderstand and have the idea of ​​turning back. In order to put an end to his thoughts, he pretended not to remember.

Lin Konglu felt that if it was the latter, then Jiang Ci was overthinking. He only followed the other party because of the mission issued by the system.

But speaking of it, what important thing did Jiang Ci want to say when she squeezed into his car?

After thinking wildly for a while, he turned to look at Jiang Ci, only to see that the other person had closed his eyes and rested again, with no intention of speaking.

Lin Konglu: "..."

You don’t think his car is spacious and comfortable, right? After all, he specially modified the back seat to make it suitable for sleeping.


On the way back, the group encountered no major danger.

After being baptized by rotten vines, many zombies in the city were stabbed to death by rotten vines. If they occasionally encounter some, Major Chen and the others can deal with them.

Lin Konglu and Jiang Ci did not take action again, and the car was silent all the way until they arrived at the base of the Dongjiao Food Factory.

As soon as Lin Konglu got out of the car and before entering the factory, he heard a group of people making trouble.

It seems that some people saw Fu Teng disappearing and asked to leave Rongcheng immediately, but those left behind by Cen Bin insisted on waiting for Major Chen and others to return.

"I was trapped for more than two months, and now Futeng has finally disappeared. If we don't leave quickly, are we going to stay here and wait to die?"

"But Major Chen and Captain Jiang..."

"It's Major Chen and Captain Jiang again. I admit that they have rescued everyone before, but now they are trapped in the third hospital. They don't know whether they are alive or dead. Maybe they are all dead. Do we have to wait here for a bunch of dead people? ?How long will this take?”

"Let's be virtuous. It's only been one night. Maybe they're all still alive, even if they're dead or not."

"That's what I say, but who knows when those rotten vines will come again? If this continues, everyone will die."

"Holy shit, you mean, even if Major Chen and the others are still alive, we won't care? Are you still a human being?"

"You can take care of it, can you take care of it? If you have the ability, go to the Third Hospital to find them."

"Why can't those of you who want to leave leave by themselves? We have to wait with Second Lieutenant Xu and the others. Oh, you don't want Second Lieutenant Xu to escort you away, right? Tsk tsk, where's the shame? Second Lieutenant Xu and Chen Major and the others are together."

The bald man's face instantly turned red after being ridiculed, and he muttered, "They were sent by the central base to rescue us. They should have sent us to the central base in the first place."

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