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The Tree of Life obeyed the god's will and led people to freeze the body of the outer god, along with the entire mountain range.

This is a huge project, and those who participate in it are either infected by the bodies of foreign gods, or die from exhaustion of power.

In the end, only a few people survived, and their deeds were praised over and over again on the mainland, including the prophecy left by God.

Time flies, time flies.

One day, a bard came to the frozen valley and picked up a few pieces of strange material, similar to animal skins.

He didn't know that it was a small piece of skin that was peeled off when the outer god was fighting with the god. He just felt that these pieces of skin were surprisingly strong, could be cut continuously by a knife, and could not be damaged by fire.

He happily carved the legendary stories on those pieces of skin, but after he finished carving, he was infected with mutations and was eventually frozen together with the iceberg.

When the tree of life was dealing with the body of the outer god, it was infected and corrupted again. He didn't care about this. He knew God's wishes. After God left, he began to act like a scavenger, cleaning up the zombies on the mainland and protecting the people on the mainland.

Until he couldn't hold on anymore, he found a mountain and buried himself in the soil on the mountainside.

He remembered that it was on this mountain that he met God. At that time, he had just transformed into a tree-man monster and was being hunted by humans.

When he got nervous, he thought that the other party was also here to kill him, so he tied the other party with vines.

God was not panicked and frightened. After blinking, God began to reason with him.

Recalling these, the Tree of Life seemed a little happy.

This is the place where he and God first met, and he wants to wait here to reunite with his God.

The stars move, the mountains and seas change, and in the blink of an eye, time passes by.

The continental shelf also changed during this period, as the seawater receded and land was revealed. The once frozen valleys gradually arched up and became snow peaks covered with snow all year round.

The creatures on the continent were destroyed. The prehistoric human civilization did not perish in the disasters brought by the alien gods, but gradually disappeared in natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes.

The tree of life has been burying itself in the soil, growing branches several meters high, silently witnessing all this.

He didn't know how long he waited, until the rocks weathered and the mountains and seas became level; when the years passed, his consciousness was almost gone.

After tens of thousands of years, a new human civilization appeared again.

At that time, he had been sleeping most of the time, only occasionally waking up for a moment. After not seeing what he was thinking, he closed his eyes again in disappointment.

He was still waiting, but he no longer knew what he was waiting for.

Time has weathered the branches and eroded the memory. Until his consciousness completely disappeared, he seemed to completely transform into a tree.

One day, a group of soldiers escorted several scientists to collect samples in the mountains.

Two of them, a married soldier and a female scientist, took a group photo next to the ancient tree and carefully collected some branches and leaves from the tree for samples.

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