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Lin Konglu stood at the door of Jiang Ci's room, raised his hand and was about to knock, when the door opened first.

Jiang Ci was also carrying a pillow. His hair was slightly damp and he must have just taken a shower. He was wearing gray pajamas. He looked like he had long arms and legs. There was still an unbuttoned button on the collar, exposing a little of his collarbone.

Lin Konglu's face turned red, he quietly hid the pillow behind his back, and secretly commented: It's very unmanly.

When Jiang Ci saw him standing at the door, he quickly put the pillow in his hand behind him, put his fist to his lips, coughed lightly and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Lin Konglu pretended to be calm: "I can't come to you if I have nothing to do? I... will come to your room to take a look."

As he spoke, he stretched his head to look into Jiang Ci's room.

Jiang Ci only thought he was cute. What was disappointing was that Rabbit came to see Lin Konglu and saw them standing at the door coughing. He asked curiously: "Brother and third brother, do you have a bad throat?"

As he spoke, he dug into his fur pocket and said, "Fortunately, I have some medicine here. I got it from the Third Hospital last time..."

Lin Konglu's face darkened, he pushed it aside with his feet and said, "You can keep it for yourself."

Then he raised his hand and pushed Jiang Ci back to the room, and followed him in.

The door was shut with a bang, but opened again after a while. Jiang Ci came out sideways, frowned and asked Rabbit: "Are there any folic acid and calcium tablets?"

At the same time, Lin Konglu's slightly annoyed voice came from the room: "Don't ask it for it."

Rabbit was thoughtful and suddenly realized. He hurriedly dug out folic acid and calcium tablets, and at the same time took out a box of small umbrellas. He said mischievously: "Third brother, I understand. I'll give this to you too."

Jiang Ci: "..." You are a rabbit, what are you doing with this?

He took it awkwardly, turned around and closed the door again.

In the room, Lin Konglu, whose calf had just cramped, was sitting on the edge of the bed with tears in his eyes.

As soon as Jiang Ci came back, he poured water for him, handed him calcium tablets, and then massaged him. He patiently told him: "From now on, you must take calcium tablets and folic acid in time. If they are gone, tell me and I will go find them."

After Lin Konglu finished eating the calcium tablets, he held the water glass and hummed weakly: "I have some."

I've just been busy lately, so I sometimes forget.

Jiang Ci frowned, thought for a moment and said, "I'll watch you eat from now on."

Lin Kong's deer leg had just cramped up and he was being irrational about this matter. He grunted and said nothing.

But maybe it was because Jiang Ci's massage technique was so good and the pressure was so comfortable that he hummed with a slightly different tone, giving him an indescribable squeamishness.

Jiang Ci's eyes gradually darkened, and he held his thin and white calf in his hand, gently stroking it unconsciously with his fingertips.

However, Lin Konglu didn't notice, and kicked him, saying, "Okay, okay, it doesn't hurt anymore."

As a result, he accidentally stepped on his chest with his foot. Through the thin material of his clothes, he felt the blazing temperature and his heartbeat that was gradually accelerating.

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