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Lin Kong Lu disappeared.

He was obviously sitting in the car a few seconds ago, but in the blink of an eye, no one noticed that he suddenly disappeared, along with the rabbit in his arms.

Everyone else in the car looked shocked, and Song Jinzhou and Song Yunwei were even more anxious.

There was no change on Jiang Ci's face, but he had already lost his calmness in his heart, and his clenched fists were trembling slightly. Just now, his attention was all outside the car, and he didn't notice Lin Konglu disappearing.

He gritted his teeth, tasting a trace of blood on the tip of his tongue, and his eyes were filled with coldness. Suddenly, he raised his hand and pushed open the car door.

Another awakened person in the car was startled and subconsciously shouted: "Captain Jiang, calm down."

Almost at the same time, a withered arm stretched out from the thick fog and grabbed Jiang Ci, who had just opened the car door, followed by another, then two...

The people in the car took a breath.

Jiang Ci instantly formed a metal knife, raised the knife and cut off those hands in an instant. Then the metal knife lengthened, its blade carrying a cold light, and it swept across into the thick fog outside the car door.

Like chopping melons and vegetables, there was a sound of round things falling. But then, countless hands reached for the car.

Jiang Ci turned around, closed the car door with cold eyes, and said to Song Yunwei, "Dian."

After speaking, he turned to look at the awakened person who had just spoken, and asked: "Are there any wind awakened people among you?"

The man was stunned, and quickly understood what he meant, and hurriedly said: "Yes, but he is in the car in front."

Jiang Ci grabbed his arm and said, "Take me there."

Then he said to Song Yunwei, who was controlling the electric arc to blind the surroundings of the attack car: "I'll leave this to you first."

While Song Yunwei attacked the outside of the car indiscriminately, he responded in a deep voice: "Don't worry, go quickly."

Jiang Ci nodded, grabbed the awakened person, and his figure flashed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Almost the moment he appeared in the thick fog outside the car, countless dry, dark zombie hands, like ghost claws, seemed to be grabbing at him.

Jiang Ci's right hand instantly turned into a vine to protect the awakened person he brought out. He held a knife in his left hand and cooperated with the vines to cut and stab while moving forward step by step.

It wasn't until they stepped on the corpse of a zombie that they finally "touched" the previous car. Then he moved forward, "touching" one by one, and finally found the one the Awakened One was talking about.

Perhaps to avoid a rear-end collision, or perhaps some other accident occurred, the car had rolled over.

Jiang Ci pulled the people beside him into the car and all the people in the car were unconscious.

He let go of the vine, his right arm instantly recovered, and at the same time he looked at the awakened person he had brought into the car.

The awakened person was secretly surprised by his ability, and without any delay, he found the wind-type awakened person in the car, leaned over and patted the other person's face, and shouted anxiously: "Lao Ai, Lao Ai, Ai Qi, wake up quickly, Ai Qi !」

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